Ma'hanibu Eebowai

412 37 13

There wasn't much on days like this Connor could really look forward to. However, he let himself look forward to this. Connor smiled his best as he anxiously knocked on the door. He hoped it was the right room. He went to the right number, but the possibility that he might be wrong was currently pooling in his stomach and chaining  his feet to the ground.

The door opened abruptly to reveal the sun. Connor had never seen a smile that white. "Hey McKinley," Kevin said opening the door wider so Connor could step through. Connor was chained to the floor for a different reason now. He blushed and smiled wider.

"Hi, uh, how are you?" He asked still not going inside. He didn't notice that he was being impolite, he was already cursing himself for asking such a lame question.

Kevin didn't seem to mind. "I'm good, I set up snacks and I convinced my roommate to go away for an hour or so." He left the door open as he went inside. Connor summoned all the courage he needed and stepped through the doorway.

One side of the room was terribly messy. It had cloths strewn about in disarray and the half open closet held a suitcase. No cloths were hung up. The bed was messy and unmade. Tiny bits of fluff, food partials, and wires were scattered about the floor. The walls held posters of dragons and little men with pointed ears. There was a robot action figure on the night stand and more lining the top of the head board. There were two small bookshelfs that came with every room on either side. The room wasn't big. On that particular side it held many colorful books and strange displays.

On the other side of the room, however, there was no spot unclean. The floors were vacuumed and sides were dusted. There was a small hamper on the corner between the bookshelf and the door. This side had a tiny window letting in the morning light. If you looked out you could see kids coming to the dorms. Connors dorm could easily be seen. The walls also held a small calendar, Connor could see dates marked and ticked off. The small bookshelf on this side held textbooks on law and a couple for recreation. It was cozy. On the nightstand was a calm lamp and a water bottle. Lastly the bed, which held the brightest thing in the room, Kevin. He was sitting there quietly watching Connor assess the room. Connor felt a blush creep up his neck.

"I couldn't get my roommate to clean before he left this morning..." Kevin said distastefully.

Connor smiled, "it's okay," he sat down on the bed next to Kevin. "So what now?"

Kevin practically jumped out of his skin. "Oh! I have snacks, and two copies of The Book. I was thinking we could talk about one of the scriptures. It's been a while."

Connor watched as Kevin got up and pulled two worn books off the shelf. The books looked cared for, but used. Kevin handed Connor one and Connor ran a hand down its cover as Kevin sat.

Connor flipped through a couple of pages. He looked at the old scriptures for a moment. "Moroni, 7, 'Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope.' It's my favorite." Connor said reading over the old text like he had so many times.

Kevin nodded and opened his own book. "Nephi, 2, 'And inasmuch as thou shalt keep my commandments, thou shalt be made a ruler and a teacher over thy brethren.' Is mine."

Connor and Kevin stayed like that for a while. Reading off texts and discussing what this meant and why that happened. Connor felt comfortable. Eventually it was noon and both boys had scooted close to the headboard shoulders squished together. Connor would occasionally put his chin on Kevin's shoulder, but only because he wanted to see what page Kevin was on; and if Kevin accidentally would brush Connors hand trying to get him to the right page then so-be-it. Not like it meant anything.

Connor checked the little alarm clock on the nightstand. It was almost lunch time. "I think I have to go. I don't want to overstay my welcome." Connor sighed. He closed The Book and shifted to look at Kevin. Kevin was laying on the bed with his head propped up by pillows. He looked up at Connor.

"You aren't, I like listening to you. You have the voice of someone who is has the diction and command to be a good leader." Kevin said pushing himself up by his elbows. They were close. Eye to eye and breathing the same wave.

Connor looked away, "I would hate to trouble you, besides I bet you have some studying to do before tomorrow. I know I have a fair amount of homework." He said ruefully.

Kevin ran a hand through his perfect hair. (His hair was always perfect, Connor noted.) "Alright, well, can we do this again sometime? I think that's the first time in months I've relaxed."

"Like a date?" Connor asked hesitantly.

"Sure, if you want to count reading holy scripture as a date. Maybe next time I can buy more snacks and convince you to stay longer. I really don't want to do my homework." Connor nodded and ignored the little ping in his chest. (What was with that anyway?)

He stood and put The Book back in the neat little bookshelf. Kevin got up to see him out the door, however, the room was so cramped that he could have just done it from his bed. However, Kevin insisted that he show Connor out as a good rule of thumb. Kevin informed him that he had probably spent most of his life in front of doors anyway. Connor laughed at that, but knew what he was talking about. His entire career in high school was dedicated to converting as many people as he could.

He didn't get many in the grand scene, 27 people was not a lot, but it was a lot from where he came from. He even got a medal for it. He was astonished, his jaw dropped when Kevin decided to tell him how many he had converted. "207 people!?!? That's incredible!" Connor gaped. Kevin chuckled.

"I usually get that reaction." He laughed at Connors face.

"Are you sure you aren't an Angel, Price?" Connor asked walking outside the room into the dorm hallway.

"Nope, just me. You can call me Kevin, if you want?"

"Call me Connor then. I'll see you later?"

"I can't wait." Kevin smiled his brightest, and Connor was starting to believe that it was the most genuine thing he'd ever witnessed.

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