Trained Into What?!?! Pt. 2

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Warning: There is mentions of cancer in this chapter. It's not much, I promise!

-At The Jail-

"Alright, we can't get out of here, but we can stay healthy!" Gostwana said to his group of prisoner buddies. They laughed with him and he started to help with different issues they had.

Gotswana was a good doctor. The prisoners quickly learned that he was the guy to go to if you had any problem. He was nice, and efficient and actually treated them with civility, which is more than they could say for the actual prison doctor. Gotswana knew how to do many things with the skills he had. One prisoner asked for help with a back issue. The Doctor helped him relax. Soon the issue was gone. He quickly gained popularity.

The next person to come for help asked to have him fix a very personal problem. He'd ticked off the wrong guy and had a book shoved in a place a book shouldn't be. It had taken a few hours behind the closed doors of the prison bathroom, but the prisoner emerged out of the bathroom with the Bible in his hands and a smile on his face. No one asked why he walked funny for he next week or where he got the book. After that they started calling him the miracle doctor.

He was always eager to help anyone, and the prisoners quickly believed that this man was not guilty. He was in the middle of making a stomach ache cure from various cafeteria foods when he was called to the group meeting area of the prison to meet his lawyers.

He walked into the room and the first thing Naba noticed is that he looked older. He had gray lines in his relatively short curly hair. He looked scruffy and his face held wrinkles that framed his face perfectly as he smiled warmly at the group. "Hello," He didn't sound as crazed as he did in the video. His accent was heard, but diluted into an American twang. He looked wiser, and it showed in his eyes. They scanned over the group of young college students and chuckled, "to whom do I owe the pleasure?"

Professor Mission was at the back. He waited quietly to see who would take charge. Kevin raised a hand and smiled. "Hello Sir, I'm Kevin Price a law student studying to someday become a great lawyer and I am sure I can defend you." Gotswana smiled and took Kevin's hand. The rest of the class let out a sigh of relief. Naba wondered what they had been expecting.

Kevin smiled shyly as Gotswana took a seat, "incidentally my sister has watched a couple of your videos and used parts of them to teach her teddybears what a real heart looked like. She credits you into getting her interested in the medical field." Gotswana smiled, clearly pleased and embarrassed.

Naba walked over and sat next to Kevin with a smile that reflected the one on Kevins bright face. "I'm Naba, and I'm part of the team to help you. We'd like to go over a few details so we can get you out of here as soon as possible so you can continue to teach and save lives."

"Good! I'm am happy we understand each other." Gotswana said leaning in closer to the two. "This should be easy." He laughed boisterously.

Naba and Kevin exchanged looks of worry, neither one wanted to break he news that it might not be as easy as it seemed. Connor, pitying the two, walked over. He introduced himself as he sat down. Gotswana turned his attention to the red head. "The courts have a lot of evidence and proof against you, to make it easier and quicker to get you out you need to tell us what happened that day. Where were you when your wife was killed?"

"I'm sorry, I cannot tell you." Gotswana said looking at the table. "I wish I could, but I cannot." He said looking up into each students eyes.

Connor looked at him confused. "Even if it might save you?" Kevin asked. He could tell the other man was getting nervous. Their thighs gently brushed under the table and he could hear Connor let out a breath.

"If you put me on the stand in front of everyone and God, I will be damned before I tell the truth." Gotswana said shakily.

"Well, if we don't have an alibi you should accept a plead bargain. With that you've have a chance of getting out in a couple of years." Steve piped in, McKenzie in tow.

Gotswana looked at them flatly. "No, I refuse to do time for a murder I did not commit. Shouldn't you guys believe that I am not guilty since you are defending me? I don't need lawyers who question me. I know I'm innocent, shouldn't that be enough for you to make a case?" The room went quiet. "Get out of here." Gotswana said softly.

The law students didn't know how to react. They slowly shuffled out the door. Gotswana stood and started pacing, away from the door. All except Naba left the prison, she held onto the doorframe. "Nakuamini," she said whispering. Gotswana stopped pacing and looked at the door.

"Unatoka wapi?" He asked courteously.

Naba smiled brightly. "Uganda, East of Lake Victoria." She gushed, she loved talking about her home.

Gotswana nodded, "I come from a small town on the border of Uganda and Rwanda, not exactly near the coast of the Lake." He chuckled. "I see you are a well taught girl." He paused and looked at his hands. "If I tell you where I was do you swear on your town you will not speak of it to any soul." He asked seriously.

Naba held out her hand, "I swear." Gotswana seemed satisfied with her answer.

"I was at a liver clinic. They told me that I may have cancer. I don't want anyone to know or worry about me. Especially my fans. What if word gets back to my village that the town doctor couldn't even take care of himself enough to prevent getting sick himself. I would be ruined." He said sniffing. Naba looked at him sympathetically.

"I understand." She said soberly. "I'm sorry, and I will do everything in my power to make sure you aren't wrongly convicted." Gotswana gave her a gray smile and nodded as she left. He had hope.

Swahili to English
Nakuamini- I believe you
Unatoka wapi- where are you from

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