Latter Day Ginger

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Naba found Connor on the floor of the hair shop. It was cold in he shop and he was asleep so she didn't pay much attention to him. She flipped off the A.C. and turned on the lights. She glanced and Connor and did a double take. "Connor?" No response.

He was paler than when she had first met him, which was quite an accomplishment considering his usual complexion. He was shallowly breathing and had bags under his eyes. She leaned down and put a hand on his forehead. A fever, this wasn't good. She pulled out her phone and called Arnold.

"Hay!" The belligerent man yapped into the phone. At any other time Naba would think that was adorable, but she was in full damage control now. It was only seven or so hours until the trial and the final verdict. They needed Connor.

"Come down to my papa's shop. Connor is sick and we need to help him. Bring herbs and the orbs you gave me to stop my headache."

"Oh man! Kevin's been looking for Connor all day! He was worried sick after he told him he was leaving the other day. Oh, I forgot to tell you about that! Kevin was going to leave because his parents were being snotty but you know the scholarship I applied for and got? I arranged it so they would give it to him. Considering his circumstances they agreed! I'll tell him where Connor is and we can come down together!" Arnold said, Naba could hear his pleased smile. She smiled softly, whoever said Arnold Cunningham was not the greatest man and most loyal friend was obviously a lier.

"I do not think Kevin should come. If this is his doing I do not know if Connor would like to see him. I-" Naba was cut off by the door to the shop opening. They were hidden behind the counter so she couldn't see who it was. She placed the phone on the floor and stood up. McKenzie stood in all here her glory at the threshold of the door. She looked unsure.

" this the hair shop?" She asked Naba, she just looked at her. McKenzie looked like a mess. Her hair, which was usually perfect and glossy and straight was frizzy. She didn't have make-up on, and her eyes were red.

"Yes, are you alright?" Naba said from the counter. She didn't want to move away from Connor.

"Yes...No...I don't know..." McKenzie said flatly. "I think my boyfriend just dumped me for a guy." She said. She sounded lost and heartbroken. "I don't know, what do you make of, 'I've been seeing him for weeks, I thought you knew and were okay with it? If you're not then maybe we shouldn't be together.'" McKenzie's voice cracked as new tears came.

Naba felt terrible for the girl, but she didn't excuse her from all the terrible things she had said to Connor. "I'm sorry. Sit down and I'll be with you as soon as I can, okay? I have someone coming by to help me."

McKenzie nodded and sat in a clean seat across from mirror.

A few moments later Arnold came crashing through the door. "I didn't tell Kevin, is Connor alright?" Naba wanted to kiss him and face-palm. She did neither, because McKenzie was watching. Her mouth was open.

"Follow me." Naba said taking Arnold's hand and leading him to Connor. He was still in a fitful sleep. Arnold sat across from Connor and took his pulse. Naba had no idea what he was doing after that. He assured her that his father was a doctor and he knew a couple of tricks. (His mom, she had been told one time, was a psychiatrist.)

Naba walked over to McKenzie while Arnold was helping Connor. Without a word she started fixing her hair.

McKenzie swallowed thickly. "I used to pray for the day he'd leave." She said looked in Naba's eyes through the mirror. "I thought he was the problem to why Steve wouldn't love me. I was wrong. I was jealous of Connor. He had everything I ever wanted. I wasn't raised privileged, I had a bad life. Connor had so much potential and I had drugs and a guy who never loved me." She was silent for a long time as Naba ordered her hair carefully. "I'm sorry." She whispered, and Naba knew she wasn't the one who was suppose to hear that.

Connor wake up sweating and gasping. Arnold held him down and tried to calm him. "Breathe, it's okay, it's me, Arnold." Arnold said as gently as his voice could seem. "Cool it." Connor looked around and took in the familiar surroundings.

He cleared his throat. "Hi Arnold." His voice sounded scratchy and unused. Arnold felt abnormally cool. It was strange, until Connor realized that it wasn't Arnold that was cool, it was himself who was really hot. His skin was crawling.

"You should feel better in a couple of hours. It won't completely be out of your system, so you should be careful and drink plenty of fluids." Connor smiled ruefully at Arnold. It was a funny sight, him being told what to do by someone, and not the other way around.

Naba rounded the corner and hugged Connor. Connor laughed as she pulled away realizing that she might get sick too. He laughed turned to a wheeze, but he ignored it in favor of staring at McKenzie. Who was watching him. Naba saw her and smiled. She nodded. They'd become well acquainted over the time.

McKenzie cleared her throat. "I'm sorry I was so mean to you before. It was childish of me, and I didn't mean it." Connor nodded and glanced at Naba.

He smiled tiredly, but kindly at McKenzie. He wasn't one to hold a grudge for very long. "It's alright, it's no big deal."

McKenzie offered him a hand up. "You ready to win this trial Connor?"

"I'm not going to the trial." The group looked shocked.

"Why?" Arnold asked.

"Kevin is leaving. I don't see a point in staying anymore." Arnold and Naba exchanged a knowing glance. "What?" Connor said looking at the two of them.


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