I Believe With You

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Connor watched Kevin walk out of the court room. He hesitated, but followed him. It was easy enough getting away from the group; who were giggling and celebrating the small victory. He stayed far enough away so that Kevin didn't see him.

Kevin walked to the side of the court yard. Connor suspected he didn't want anyone to hear this. He watched Kevin take in a shaky breath before answering.

"Hello?" He said, it sounded like a question. The person in the other line was so loud Connor couldn't help but hear what they said too.

"Kevin Scott Price! I am ashamed of you!" Yelled a female voice. Kevin winced and looked at his feet.

"Hi Ma..."

"No you don't 'Hi Ma' me! You know what you did! On live television no less!" Kevin looked up and Connor hid behind a bush. "I should have sent you to that camp years ago. It's not natural. The doctors said you would grow out of it. I loved you too much to send you away like that. You know that! After that incident you behaved, why are you doing this again. Is it something I did? Is it a faze?" Kevin shook his head at his mothers hysterics.

"No Ma." He answered sadly. "Like I said, he's just a friend."

"Just a friend my foot Kevin! You told me how much you think of him as a friend and I forebode you to talk to him! Yet here you are." She snapped.

"I'm sorry Ma."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, I want you to say you'll forget Connor McKinley." Ma said strictly. Connor gasped, and quickly put a hand over his mouth. There was a long silence. His hands were shaking. It was nearing the end of fall. It was a little cold out, but not enough to make him shake like he was. He peaked out of the bush.

Kevin was pacing. He ran a hand through his hair and distorted it beyond repair. He looked like a mess. Connor saw a tear drop down his face.

"I can't do that Ma." He said shakily.

"Don't come home." Was the swift answer. The phone beeped saying the call had ended. Kevin walked over to a bench near the back exit of the court house. It was mostly covered by a tree. He put his head in his hands.

Connor couldn't do anything about this. It was Kevin's discussion. He quietly walked up and sat on the bench. Kevin was startled and looked up at Connor with glassy eyes. "I was suppose to be something incredible. Something everyone was proud of." His voice croaked, "I was working my whole life for that. Now..." Connor didn't say anything back. He didn't have to. They let silence carry a barrier to the world. Kevin put his head on Connors shoulder. They linked hands. It was nice, and Connor only wished it would stay.

"I never thought I would make it here." Connor said. Kevin moved closer. "I had no idea who I wanted to be. I owed so much to the church, my parents, my friends. They all looked at me as this great organizer and leader. I didn't want to be looked up to like that, but I never told them that." Kevin let out a little chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"You." Kevin said laughing. "I want to be an incredible leader. You are one. You want to be one of the masses, and that's what I am." Connor smiled and laughed too.

"I guess you're right." He laughed. "But you are so much more than me. You deserve the world Kevin Price." Connor rested his head on top of Kevin's. They watched the news crews struggle to put the heavy camera stuff in their car as people exited from the court.

"Judge called it for today I guess." Kevin said. Connor hummed a response. It was peaceful like this. The boys were accustom to laying in bed and reading The Book. Picking out scriptures and talking about their day. They both believed very much in the work of Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father, and helped each other when times were hard. Together they called on Him for help to get through this. Together under the tree He created ready for the plan He had made for them.

They sat there for a while, not saying anything. They didn't need to. Kevin stirred first and checked his phone. His mother had sent a group of texts that Kevin ignored to check the time. It was later than he had expected. He shook Connor, who had fallen asleep on Kevin's chest. "Hey, we have to go." He said whispering.

"Whhhhhy, mmmcomfffy..." Connor said yawning. He stretched and Kevin smiled at him tiredly.

"It's late, I'll walk you to your dorm." Kevin said and Connor nodded. Connor didn't move. "Connor you're gunna have to move so I can get up." Connor smiled.

"I know." He snuggled closer. Kevin let out a little laugh.

"I bought those oatmeal cookies you like so much. I hid them in your room for the next time I come over and I'll give you one if you let me lead you home." Kevin said brushing Connors messy hair. Connor sighed and moved up.

Kevin and Connor held hands all the way back to Connors dorm. It was dark, so no one could see them anyways. When they got to Connors dorm room Kevin told Connor to close his eyes. He magically produced a cookie from a hidden spot in Connors room. Connor rolled his eyes at him, but took the cookie as they said their good nights.

Kevin turned to leave and Connor hesitated. He wanted to reach out and touch Kevin. Tell him to stay, but he knew Kevin had to leave. He didn't know how true that statement was until the next morning.

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