Take It Like A Morman

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After the meeting between Gotswana and the group the Professor dismissed everyone early so they could get ready for tomorrow. Connor followed Kevin to his dorm talking about the case. They were brainstorming ways of using the plea bargain without actually pleading for anything.

They weren't getting anywhere as Kevin unlocked the his dorm and slipped in. Once he found that Arnold wasn't there he flicked on the lights. There was a small note on Arnold's bed.

'With Naba, wanted to talk about something important at her dorm :)'

Kevin smiled at the note and quickly started to take off his suit. It was required in Professor Missions class to look as well off as possible. It was a nightmare for Kevin. He didn't have any sense of what looked good and what didn't. His old brown suit had served him and his grandfather a lot over the years. He was thankful for it.

Kevin looked at Connor who was giving him a face of utter confusion mixed with a good helping of disgust. His eyes flicked down to the jacket and Kevin followed his gaze. "What?" Kevin said sounding confused.

"Please tell me that is not what you are wearing tomorrow." Connor said picking at the old fabric and taking it from Kevin's hands. Kevin let him examine it.

"Well--yah, it's the only suit I have?" He said it more like a question. Connor looked at him with a shocked face. Kevin blushed and looked at the suit.

Then Connor shook his head. "Nah uh, you are not going in this thing." He said resolutely; he tossed the suit in the trash.

Kevin's face paled. "I don't have money for a new one." He said looked at the trash.

"Kevin Price of you are thinking of digging that rat suit out of the garbage I will leave." Connor said putting his hands on his hips. Kevin hesitated looking at the garbage with a slight uneasy feeling. "And if you think your wonderful and amazing, practically perfect friend won't get you a new one you've got to be going crazy." Connor said sticking out his lips and his hips. Kevin thought he looked ridiculous. He laughed at Connor smiled widely.

"Come on, lets go." Connor said taking Kevin's hand. Kevin looked down at their entwined fingers and blushed. Good thing he didn't look up to see Connor blushing wildly as well.

"Wh-" Kevin cleared his throat as his voice failed him and his stomach was holding a circus he didn't know had come to town. "Where are we going?"

Connor looked back at his brightly. "You'll see," and dragged him out of the room.

~Somewhere Over The Rainbow~

"What is this place." Kevin said licking his lips dryly. He looked around at the many tables and racks of perfume, makeup, jewelry, hats, shirts, pants, etc. he felt like he was going to throw up butterflies. The smell was suffocating.

Connor laughed and Kevin felt his uneasiness melt. "It's called a Department Store. Have you never been to one?" Kevin blushed at the accusing question.

"I usually let my mom buy my clothes. This place is huge...it's beautiful." That comment pulled another set of giggles from Connor. Kevin blushed, "Hay, don't laugh at me," Connor laughed harder and Kevin found himself chuckling too.

Eventually they had to stop, they were getting weird looks from the clerks at the counters. Kevin wanted to take Connors hand. To be linked together, but Connor had dropped his hand once they had got on the bus to go here. His hand felt oddly cold without Connors. Besides they weren't together or anything. Kevin sighed as Connor walked off to the suit section of the store.

Connor paused and sent a teasing smirk to Kevin. "Take a deep breath, take it in, feel the fabric and perfume coating your skin. I heard that they pump in different smells so it makes you want to stay longer and buy more things." Kevin nodded at Connor and looked through the isles of clothing.

A sales clerk walked up to him and sprayed something in his face. "Boyfriend," she whispered in his ear. He jumped out of his skin.

"Excuse me?" He gasped and glanced at Connor who was looking at a nice blue suit.

"Boyfriend, the new Justin Bieber fragrance." She said slyly. Kevin moved away from the crazy.

"Uh, no thanks." He smiled his fake smile and quickly walked away. Connor looked at him scrunching his nose. He glanced at the panic clear in Kevin's face.

Connor sighed and grabbed a suit from the rack. He didn't ask what happened to Kevin or bother him about being nervous. He just plucked the suit from the rack and lead Kevin to a changing room.

"Look, I know you're nervous, but after we find the right suit you don't have to do this again! Think of all the people you will impress with this." He said as Kevin changed into the suit. He was about to come out when a pair of pants were flung over the door. "Put these on too."

Kevin nodded, then realized that Connor couldn't see him. "Okay," he said and once he was done he stepped out.

There was a huge mirror at the other end of the changing room and Connor was standing next to it. Once Connor caught sight of him Kevin watched him take a shaky breath. "Kevin...you look...incredible." He breathed and Kevin blushed at the compliment. "We have to buy this!" He declared. "You look hot." He said with a blush. He looked at the floor as Kevin examined himself in the mirror.

The suit fit him well. It hugged his body with the nice angles making him look curved at just the right places. The pants made his back more defined. Connor was determinedly not looking at his butt. No sir. Not happening. However it did make him look more determined and sharper.

"Wow, you look like the CEO of a very successful company. And here you thought this wouldn't be a good idea." Connor said happily.

"When did I say that?" Kevin chuckled.

"Oh, you're eyes did, I could tell." He laughed as Kevin's blush got deeper. "I'll go find a cart. Be right back, okay?" Connor said leaving.

When Connor left Kevin sighed. "Okay, this might not be exactly what I had in mind, but...when he's so close to me." Kevin hugged himself. He managed to look big in the nice suit, even when he was trying to seem small. He smiled at himself. "I must really like him to do all this crazy stuff. Heavenly Father help me..." he chuckled at himself.

Connor returned after Kevin had changed back. They carefully put the suit and pants in the cart and made their way to the checkout.

The cashier at the check out who had perfume-attacked Kevin winked at the nervous boy as Connor was paying for the ensemble. Connor caught the act and cleared his throat. He glared at the poor soul and they backed off. Connor smiled to Kevin as they left. Kevin blushed and felt light headed.

They walked to Kevin's dorm. It was dark and the path was hard to see. This time it was Kevin who grabbed Connors hand.

Both boys were thankful for the darkness. It hid their blushes well.

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