Blood In The Cup

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Connor rushed to class before he was late. Turns out that the class just opened its doors. Connor spotted a tall muscular man, by the name of Steve Blade right in front of him, shuffling into class with the rest of the college students. What luck!

A sharp looking man stood at the front of the room. He glanced over the students, and motioned for them to take their seats. "Hello all, my name is Professor Mission. I am a lawyer and a teacher by trade for the past 20 years. Which means I know what's best. I say jump, you say how high. Got it. Good. So you all are starting law? Well, hello all those young lions. I am flattered to see you taking my class, however I am sorry to say only half of you will make it out here alive. The smartest ones will survive the savanna." The Professor looked across the class. The students were quickly shuffling to get into seats in he big classroom.

Connor quickly followed Steve to a seat, and sat next to him. He looked around like he hadn't seen Steve. The bigger man noticed Connor. "Connor?"

"Steve!?! I totally forgot you go here too." Connor smiled. Steve looked over his ex's face unbelievably.

"How did yo-" Steve began, but was cut off, as were many other students. Prof. Mission cleared his throat sharply, grabbing the classes attention, and ending all other distractions.

"Our topic is, blood in the water. Students, it's time you learn. Law school is a waste of your parents money, unless you go for the blood in the water." The Professor paused for effect and smiled at the class. Connor was a little unnerved at his smile. The class was as quiet as a tomb. The Professor looked down at his little sheet behind his desk and swiftly called out someone's name. "Mr. Young, hypothetical question, if I may, let's say you are offered a great sum to defend a business man accused of fraud? A young woman took her savings and her hopes to his company. It's all she had been given, since she lived in such a poverty stricken place. Well, he promised her a job, but with a cost. It turns out he only hired her to be a whore. She sued saying he tricked her into taking the job. Should you take the case?" The Professor said narrowing his eyes.

A smallish man, Connor assumed was Young spoke up in a confident voice. "I would not take that case." The boy smugly smiled.

"WRONG!" The Professor boomed. "This one is as good as yours unless you're an idiot. The whores broke, she'll have some backing from legal aid. Put her on the stand and call her young and careless. Your man goes free and he can get you laid, and have a stable stock in the market. Look for the blood in the water, put the blood in the cup and indulge in it. Even if it sounds unappealing. The lawyers always get the jobs that spineless men could never dream of doing." Connor was doubly grossed out, but intrigued. The Professor continued, ignoring the disturbed murmurs in his room. The Professor asked a couple other people questions. Most of them ended in disturbing answers. Connor, not one for missing opportunities raised his hand to answer a question.

"Yes Mr..."

"McKinley, Connor McKinley." Connor answered eagerly.

"Looks like someone's had their morning coffee." Connor smiled. Mormons avoided coffee. "Review the State of Indiana V. Hurn from your reading." Connors smile faded as he looked around the class. They were all starring at him. He had read the chapter, but he got so nervous he couldn't speak. Steve smirked, he had seen Connor do this before a tap show. Someone would help him calm down and he would do fine, but no one would help him here. The Professor got impatient. "Just as I thought, a breezer. If you didn't read, why go to my class?" He scorned Connor. Connors heart sank as he shifted uncomfortably. He vaguely heard the Professor call out the name of the cute girl he had seen outside. She answered correctly.

After class Connor wanted to talk to Steve. As the class was leaving the Professor was telling telling them the assigned reading for tomorrow. "Don't forget, look for the blood and go for it. I'll see you lions tomorrow. Hopefully with an actual goal to try in my class." Connor and Professor Missions eyes locked when he said that. Connor felt sick and embarrassed.

He shoved his books into his bag. "Steve!" He said clutching the other mans sleeve as they left the building. Steve looked at Connor and tugged away his sleeve. He walked on. "Oh Heavenly Father...this is going to be harder than I thought."

OhEmGosh, sorry guys. I've not been posting that much lately. Ill try to soon... not like a lot of you read this. But for those like two who have glanced over it and said sure ill read this. Thank You!! Have a good day~🐝

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