What You Want's Something Incredible Pt. 2

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-Harvard Law-

"Now, lady's and gentlemen, Harvard grants admission to, Nabulungi Hatimbi and Joshua Milton Blahyi. Lastly up for debate, Connor McKinley, who sent in a headshot and a pamphlet on Mormonism." One professor announced. She held up the head shot of Connor and his perfectly mormon smile. About ten professors were in a large office room looking through thousands of admittance letters to get in to the most prestigious school in the country.

"He seems kind, we could admit him for religious diversity on campus." A professor said flipping through Connors file. "Oh, but it looks like he didn't send in an essay."

"Sir," A secretary stuck her head in the room with the professors. "There's a kid here saying he would like to meet with you."

"What's his name?"

"Connor, sir."

"Send him in."

"Hello?" Connor said looking around the big room that the professors were in. They all looked at Connor as if he had grown four heads. Connor swallowed dryly and clutched his copy of The Book for courage. "Um, Hi Harvard, I'm Connor McKinley, and I came here to say that you should really admit me to your school, because I'm what you want."

A loud crash was hard in the hallway and Connor flinched. A man with curly brown hair came running into the room followed by a disgruntled looking young man who looked annoyed, Connor recognized Elder Zelder. "HELLO!" The curly haired man yelled.

"What is it now Arnold?," a professor groaned.

"I see you met my friend, the one and only Connor, uh, McDonald..." Arnold yelled.

Elder Zelder face palmed and whispered something to Arnold. "Oh," Arnold said and smiled, "McKinley." Arnold shook his head and continued, "Did you know that Connor singlehandedly saved an entire village in Africa? And he supports the LGBT community. He also fed starving children in America. He can tap dance. Plus he inspires everyone he meets. He's so outgoing, And muff-" Arnold was cut off by the taller boys hand covering his mouth, he was dragged out of the room with the other Elder and a couple of security guards.

Connor stood in shock as the professors in the room looked at him slowly. One of them cleared their throat. "This isn't an essay, though your reputation is stellar, we need a really good reason to admit you." The professors in the room looked at Connor expectantly.

"How about...love and belief. Don't you all have faith? You can do anything you put your heart into. Don't laugh, or think I'm dumb for pointing this out, because even a person who is smart, can do something incredible if they believe enough. Our Lord can really guide us, and His love, and our power can lead us to move mountains, and own planets. So do you believe?" Connor hoped his speech was enough.

A professor was nodding. "I do." More professors started nodding. A few clapped. Soon the room was full flapping an 'I do's and one woman was crying. The least Conner could say was that it was a very strange evening.

Connor hadn't meant that question to be so powerful. He didn't realize the people weren't clapping because they thought that they believe that they could legit own a planet after they died. They were clapping because his message had been so moving for anyone. Connor smiled as a professor came up to him and shook his hand. "Welcome to Harvard." Connor was smiling from ear to ear.

Connor was glad that Harvard realized what it wanted was him. He had a feeling he was going to be absolutely fabulous.

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