Positively Gay

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Connor was walking around campus. He had nothing better to do. He had studied and ate and prayed. Really what else could you do on a Saturday? He'd even attempted to sleep in. It had ended badly, another hellish dream. He had them nightly.

He sat on a bench for a while. He looked around just taking in the buildings and area around. It was beautiful. "Hay there, you're up early." A man said behind him. Connor jumped, he hated that, but it had been so calm that he hadn't noticed the man. He let out an indignant squeak. The person chuckled.

Connor looked behind him to see the man he had met previously. Connor rarely forgot a face. Especially one as handsome as this one. "I don't think we've been properly introduced." The man said cockily smiling and coming around to sit next to Connor. "I'm Kevin Price," he introduced.

"Connor McKinley," Connor said smiling his Mormon best. He was surprised when the other turned what seemed like a 1000watt smile right back at him. He felt a little of his heart melt.

Kevin took his jacket off. It was a warm morning. He splayed it across the bench and turned to Connor smiling.

"So...you come here often?" Kevin asked. Connor giggled, really? That was the lamest conversation starter, but it worked for this situation.

"No, I...couldn't sleep. You take law right? I saw you in some of my classes."

Kevin nodded, "I am an apprentice right now. Following Professor Missions handy work. It's hard when you're raised as a Mormon. Everything you do seems a little morally wrong." He sounded upset by this.

"It's okay, I get it. It's hard to cope with the requirements of your faith and your commitment to your dreams. I am Mormon too. It's nice to see that I'm not alone here. As long as you stay true to yourself there isn't anything you can't do." He said. He had no idea where all that come from. However he just felt the need to sympathize with this guy. He felt connected to him.

"You are very smart, you know that? How about you come over to my place sometime? We can discuss The Book and work on law?" Kevin asked. Connors heart fluttered.

"Sure, sounds good." Connor nodded. Kevin scribbled the number of his room on a scrap receipt. Turns out it was in the building across from Connors.

Kevin's phone buzzed in his pocket, effectively ending the moment. Along with Connors chance to tell Kevin where his own dorm room was. "Darn, Mission wants me to review a case for the trial on Sunday." He glared at his phone a moment, "and Arnold texted me a billion times about Naba..." he mumbled. Connor wondered if that was some one he was close to. Kevin snapped out of it and looked up at Connor hopefully." I'll see you next Tuesday? Maybe?" Connor smiled and nodded briskly.

"See you..." he said and Kevin stood and left. Leaving Connor alone on the bench; but the thing was, he wasn't alone. Kevin had left his jacket.

Connor sighed and took the jacket. He got up and stretched. A squirrel ran across the grass to a different tree and Connor watched it lazily.

He slowly walked through the grounds. Not many people were up this early. However he had seen someone. A cute girl with long black hair. She had a stony face, but looked content.

Then he saw someone he didn't expect to be out.

Steve. Blade.

He smiled at the girl with black hair as she stopped in front of him flirtatiously. Connor felt sick. Steve smiled and said something Connor couldn't hear. It made the girl laugh and kiss him. Connor turned away.

"Hun, why do you look so sad? You are not losing that hot rod to that. She's ugly as the demon you saw last night in your dreams." Connor looked around. He could have sworn he heard-

"Cheer up, it's no biggie, you were made for him. Just look confident and stride over. Establish dominance!" Connor was getting freaked out. No one was around except the fat campus squirrels.

"Up here hun!" Connor looked up. There floating in the sky we're three...Mormons?

"Joseph Smith? Moroni? Brigham Young?!" Connor rubbed his eyes. Moroni waved. That was it, he was going insane. "What in the name of-"

"We are here to help! We are the Mormon chorus. To give you advice." Joseph said.

"Yah, and we say, stay positive!" Moroni chimed in.

"And pour water over her to see how much make-up she has on." Brigham mumbled.

"Yes, yes, we all know she's a...well, not a very clean person. However, you could take her any day! I'm sure of it!" Joseph said excitedly. "All you have to do is be confident, you and him were meant to be. So-"

Brigham cut in, "you should kill her."

Connor was fairly sure he was openly starring at the sky now. "W-what?" Moroni nodded in agreement and Joseph looked like he hadn't heard. Connor shook his head and Brigham frowned. "No, I'm not hurting anyone! That will just make him hate me more. Not to mention get me kicked out of school." The Mormons didn't look like that was a bad option. "The answer is no, so what's option two?" Connor couldn't believe he was going along with this.

"Me" Moroni cut in smiling. "She has no faith. Show him you are the one he wants by inviting him to pray this evening and have a dinner of buffalo meat."

"I'm fairly certain buffalo are endangered, so I'll pass." Connor said worriedly.

"Elder! Keep things positive!" Joseph whined.

"Let out your inner divine, I'm sure Heavenly Father will supply you with what you need to win him back through prayer." Brigham said pinching Joseph out of the way. "Plus, you've got a bigger di-"

"OK, no! You are making me sick..." Connor stuttered loudly. He was pretty sure he'd said that too loud. Sure enough Steve and the girl were starting at him.

"Freak!" The girl yelled.

"What's your problem?" Steve added. Connor felt his heart compress. He watched them walk away.

"Hey, you know he likes you more then her. You're nicer, smarter, and more faithful than anyone. So don't let her take him! I bet if you pray he'll come back." Brigham said floating to his knees. The other two shrugged and followed suit. Connor walked away. He'd already made enough of a fool out of himself.

He walked back to the bench with his head in his hands. "Hey..." It was Moroni. "You alright?"

Connor shook his head. "I'm positive..." Moroni smiled. "I'm positive I've ruined everything. Maybe I should change myself to be what he wants. Dye my hair black. Burn my vests. Start believing in what everyone else tells me to believe. Being me isn't working..."

"Look Connor..." Moroni started.

"No you look. I'm tired of it. Just...go away!" Connor shouted. When he looked up he really was alone.

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