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HARRY: "Oh yea, I guess that's fine..." You trail off, "Bye," You said and hung up. You sunk down into the chair you were sitting in a sighed.

"What's the matter kitten?" Harry asked.

"My math tutor cancelled on me so now I'm going to fail my test tomorrow," you said running your fingers threw your hair, "I don't know what to do," You were almost in tears. You had always thought of yourself as stupid because you could never quite get your head around the subject and you had never done well in school.

"I can get Louis to tutor you, since he finished high school. He can help you with your math if you want," Harry offered.

"Really?" You asked exitedly. You would kill to pass this math test.

"Of course, I'll go and get him," Harry smiled and kissed your cheek before getting Louis.

It had been about 30 minutes and you were still so confused you didn't understand anything. You felt bad that Louis had to do this, "What?" you asked for about the millionth time.

"I really can't do this," Louis said. Harry had gotten up from the couchwhere he was sitting and playing on his phone.

"Can't do what?": He asked.

"Tutor her! She's just so stupid," Louis said. The words hit you really hard since that's what you've always thought of yourself. He was smart and you weren't. He was older he knew when someone was stupid so you just had to del I guess, "She can't do anything!"

"Louis!" Harry yelled before looking at teary eyed you standing behind Louis.

"No, I am stupid. I can't do anything. I'm sorry I tortured you like that, I'll just fail or something," you said closing your textbook and walking off to Harry's room. A few minutes later Louis came into his room, "I don't want to pass on my stupid, you better leave," You said.

"You're not stupid (Y/N)," He said. You couldn't bring yourself to believe he was telling the truth.

"Harry is making you apologize, I know. You don't have to act like your doing this on your own will. I am stupid I mean stupid people need tutors," You said trying not to cry as you walked out of the room.

LOUIS: Louis had always told ou that he didn't like your tutor everytime after he left, that's because everyone thinks your tutor is cute. He's just jealous.

You were being tutored at the kitchen table while Louis sat in the living room so he couls keep an eye on your tutor. "I don't understand," You said.

"I'll try and explain again," You tutor laughed and moved closer to you. Louis was probably all tense because he doesn't like that, he's very protective.

After your tutor left Louis pulled you onto his lap, "Do you really have to have that tutor?" He asked.

"Yes! He helps me understand stuff and it's not expensive," you said.

"Ugh, I don't like him," Louis complained like always.

"Well I'm not getting rid of my tutor because I'm not that bright," You said.

"You're smart, but you wuld be a lot smarter with a better tutor," Louis said.

"Louis, I'm not getting rid of my tutor. You can watch us all you want but I can't fail all my classes," you laughed and kissed his cheek.

NIALL: You were being tutored and NIall was out. You didn't know where he was, hopfully he doesn't get 'over-protective',

"Princess I'm home and I brought- oh sorry?" He questioned, "Who's this?"

"This is my tutor Niall," You laughed.

"Oh, hi," He said waving, "Well I brought food for when you're done."

"We were just finished," You tutor said.

"Yea, thank you," you smiled as she walked out your door.

"Since when did you have a tutor?" Niall asked.

"Since I started failing all my classes," you laughed.

"You could have told me about your secret tutor," Niall joked.

"I didn't want you to think I was stupid," you admit.

ZAYN: "I need help," you said as you looked at all your homework that you didn't understand.

"Help with what boo?" Zan asked you.

"My homework, I don't understand anything its so hard," You admit.

"I know a thing or two about this stuff. I can be like yout tutor," He laughed.,

You were both working and Zayn started to kiss you, "Zayn we can't do this. I have to do this it's do tomorrow."

"You could use a distraction," Zayn said lifting you up.

"Fine, but it's going to you staying up and doing my homework so I can have it for school tomorrow not me!" You warned.

"Fine by me," Zayn laughed setting you on te bed......

LIAM: Liam was 'tutoring' you in math because you never understood anything. You had been studying for bout an hour and you were bored and confused and your brain hurt.

"Liaaam!" You said.

"What?" He asked.

"You're distracting me," You said moving closer to him.

"I know what your trying to do here (Y/N). We can't, you have to study for your test. You can't fail this," He warned you.

"Please! My brain hurts," You said.

"No! You can't keep making excuses not to study because I'm not letting you fail math. You have to study for longer," He said.

"If I study for an hour more then can we?" you offered.

"Fine but if you fail that test," He shook his head.


I'm like so stupid I have a math tutor because I'm just so fucking stupid but I somehow got into the A (advanced) math group and I don't know why because I can't do it and I just hate being tutored because it makes me feel so stupid! I'm so dumb! I'm literally like crying right now because I just can't even do it. Tutoring has help a lot I got an A in math but I still feel so stupid for having a tutor and all my friends are like 'really?' And i'm like wow way to make me feel even more stupid..... :(

I had youth tonight and I was sharing a drink with this guy even though he has a girlfriend and I feel so bad omg.

My teacher said I showed skill in my writing on my report card but called me a bad writer like before like omg can you please make up your freaking mind and I a horrible writer or a strong writer like I can't live with inbetween!

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