He catches you going sucide

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HARRY: 'You worthless whore' 'you're a cover up #Larry' 'You know you wouldn't do any harm by killing yourself right?' 'Please do your species a favor... kill yourself haha'

You were done, with all the hate, with the world. Done. Everthing. They all said no one would care if you died... so you wouldn't hurt anyone, "I'm done," You whispered to yourself and went downstairs and grabbed a knife. You thought about your life for maybe an hour still with the knife clutched in your fist.

"I haven't acomplished anything and I'm a failure so I won't do anything for anyone. No one cares and neither do I so why should I stay? This is like high school all over again.... I want to die," You thought. you gripped the knife in both your hands and faced in in the direction towards your chest. "I'm done, no one cares. Lets get this over with before I cause more pain to peoples lifes with my presence."

Deep down inside you didn't want to do it, you felt like maybe one person wouldn't want you dead but your mind told you otherwise, you were crying. There was makeup running down your face, you looked like shit but its not like you cared anyways, you were going to be dead in a few minutes and its not like anyone could tell you that afterwards......

You took the knife you were holding and you traced around your chest with it, lightly not leaving cuts, maybe just getting used to the feel of the knife, "Just do it already! No One Cares!" Your mind screamed. "Don't you have a purpose do waste it," Your heart whispered, but it had no power over your mind in this situation.

Just as you placed the knife in position on your chest and took a deep breath ready, done. The door opened to she an out of breath Harry and as he saw you, sitting aginst the kitchen counter with a knife pressed against your chest.

"(Y/N)!" Harry yelled and ran over to you, "What are you doing?" He asked frantically.

"I want to die, no one cares," You whisper not realizing you had dropped the knife when Harry ran over to you. You reached for the knife again but Harry grabbed both your hands and sqeezed them between his own.

"I care, please. Please don't do it. I'm so sorry," He said sadness in his voice, was he going to cry?

"Please let me die, I don't want to be here," You sais trying to take your hands out of his and grab the knife.

He didn't say anything after that, he wrapped your arms around his and hugged you as you cried into his chest. He was crying to, on your shoulder. Maybe someoen did care....

LOUIS: You were walking on the streets at 2 am because you and Louis got in a fight about the fans. You told him they were being jerks and he stood up for them, maybe he wasn't seeing all the hate, day after day, week after week. Or maybe he just didn't care about you and fame was what mattered.

You were thinking deep thoughts, about your life. You were always told you were worthless since about the 5th grade, since then everything just got worse. Bitch, Fag, Loser, Slut, Whore, Attention Seeker, Fat, Ugly, Stupid, Emo, Fake, Nerd, Cunt, Annoying, Freak, Dumbass, Brat, Pathetic, You were never good enough and thats always how its been.

"Does anyone really want me here?" You mentally ask yourself. Of course like a sad pathetic movie, like your life, it was raining. You had on a sweater and some jeans, thats it. You were freezing, shivering. You hoped that maybe someone would stop and pick you up, but at the same time you wanted to be as far away from people as possible. You didn't want to be here, if you were a mistake why would anyone want a mistake? You were never going to be cared about, you actually thought Louis cared about you, ha sure maybe in your dreams he would!

Maybe if you just ignore the hate and act like you don't care, yae thats how your depression started last time, but maybe you are still depressed, maybe you never really did over come it... 

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