You love to read/write

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HARRY: "Are you still reading?" Harry asked as he walked into your flat with the boys.

"Obviously," You laughed holding up your book.

"Dang girl. You're been reading for what? 4 hours now?" He said.

"Except I stopped to go to the bathroom," You said.

"Tmi (Y/N)," He laughed, "Why are you always reading?"

"Because I like reading.... unlike most 18 year old girls," You joked, "Would you rather me go and twerk on guys at parties while I get pissed?"

"I'm not your mother, gosh. But because you asked no, I would not like that, you can go ahead and read for the rest of your life," He replied.

"Did you bring us here to talk about your bookworm girlfriend?" Louis joked.

"Maybe I did, what are you going to do about it?" Harry said all sassy.

"Don't get sassy with me mister, I was just asking," Louis laughed.

"I can umm, leave," You said pointing out of the living room, where they were planning on talking.

LOUIS: "What's this?" Louis ask picking up a notebook from one of the boxes.

You and Louis were moving in together, you'd been emptying boxes of your stuff for what seemed like forever, well you at least had an excuse to keep him from reading it, "Those are my old writings, please don't read them," You pleaded. There were peices of loose-leaf that you had stuffed into the book, the thing was full.

"But I want to read it," He said opening and watching the papers that had been stuffed in fall out.

"We have to finish un-packing Lou," You said.

"There is no rule saying you have to finish un-packing on the first day," Louis said plopping down on his couch and beginning to read you what-you-thought-was-terrible writings. He read the pages out loud to you, your cheeks turned pink, "These are really good."

"No they're not, they're just crap," You said snatching the book from him and stuffing the papers back in.

"Then why did you keep it? If it's crap," He asked, you had no idea what to say, but wht you said seemed about right.

"Because I always thought I could make something of them. I don't think they're any good, but I mean I could keep it to remind me that I've wanted to be a writer, some dream I never thought I could fufill, so everytime I see this, I would write something, just to remind myself," You explained as he listened intently.

NIALL: "So you've read all these books?" Niall asked running his hands along the never ending book self.

You had invited Niall over to your flat, your ugly, small mess of a flat. That was filled with books, your book shelf was full and books over flowed off of them. You weren't much for libraries you had always thought 'what if I want to read it again?' and you didn't want to go back to the library and sign it out, that's why you had so many. You bought ll your books, "Yup."

"Wow, I've only read like one book in my entire life. Do you have that one?" He asked.

"If I remember correctly what book that was, it's right here," You said picking up 'To Kill A Mocking Bird'.

"I could never read this many books," Niall laughed taking the book from your hands, "I've never liked reading though."

"If you ever feel like reading, just randomly. You know where to find me, My house is basically like a library," You laughed, "I've got basically every book."

"Alright," He laughed, "So basically don't get you a book as a gift, because you have them all?"

"Umm, that was an exaggeration. You can never go wrong with books," You laughed.

ZAYN: "How come you've never published any of this?" Zayn asked you.

"Well, I never really felt like any of them were good at all," You said. Zayn was looking through your many, many notebooks that had been full of books you had wrote when you were younger.

"These books are amazing, I would read them," Zayn said.

"I'm not sure you're saying that because you;re my boyfriend or because they actually are good," You laughed.

"They are really good," Zayn said, "I like this one." He held up your glittery, pink notebook. The one that had doodles on the borders of most of the pages, it was your favorite too, that's why you spent the time to border the pages.

"It's my favorite too. I like romance," You said.

"Me too," He admitted.

"A bad boy like you? Likes romance?" You laughed.

"Don't judge me, I can like romance!" He laughed.

LIAM: "So you had Wattpad when you were a fangirl I see," Liam laughed.

"What are you talking about?" You asked, you could not give him any sign that it was your Wattpad. he could never find that, EVER!

"I found a link to your Wattpad," Liam said.

"I never had a Wattpad," You lied. Even if you did, he would never find it.

"I doubt that, because I have your Wattpad open on my omputer," He said, flipping his compuer around to show you. That was your wattpad, oh no.

"Oh that old thing, I liked to write," You answered.

"Well, you liked to write smut you dirty girl," He laughed.

"Oh my god, you read my stuff?" You asked in shock and he just laughed, "I'm going to beat the shit out of you."

"Oh no," Liam said through laughter as you walked up and took the laptop from him and deleted your book, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that... but hey I made some mental notes while I was reading if you'd like to come with me."


I hate buying stuff for myself around Christmas but I got 'Looking For Alaska by John Green' toady (As I told you, it was on my list) and I knew no one was going to buy it for me, so I took it upon myself and got. omf best book ever written omg omg.

I was telling my mom the other day about how I had this whole list of books I want to read and she told me that was impressive. I like to read, and write. All my writing is crap though (I mean non-fanfics that I write) I've never shown anybody, they're in a book like the one in Louis pref haha oops.

I hate fantasy, I mean Dr. Who, angels and cat people. I like books like that, but werewolves , vampires, kingdoms, castles, knights and princess kind of fantasy is not my cup of tea. Anyways, whays your favorite book? Mines 'Looking For Alaska' because I just got it and am already like omg about it. And what's your favorite genre? Mine is romance or mystery....

I'm not much for movies, I like romance films, and usually TV shows have to be 'smart Tv shows' as people call them to get me to watch them. I'm different, I'd rather be reading or writing than out socailizing, that's alright because I have like 4 friends haha.

If you're getting me a gift you can never go wrong with band-merch or books......

Anyways, my mom has really bad road rage and today, funny story. she was like 'youstay right there you cow!' to a person that was about to cut her off and my siter was like 'way to be in the Christmas spirt' and my mom was like 'I'll Christmas spirit her right in the ass if she cuts me off'  *cue everyones laugher* then we all started laughing XD Bye

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