BSM: Your Mum/Dad Compare You To Him *PART 2*

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HARRY: "Zayn, will you go talk to my sister? I need to have a talk with my mum first," Harry said, they could tell he was angry with his mother so he quickly ran to your room and knocked on the door.

"(y/n), it's Zayn... can I come in?" Zayn asked sweetly. The boys weren't just your brothers best friends, they had always been like brothers to you. Zayn had always been special to you though. He had ALWAYS been there for you and would drop everything to be there for you because somethings, you just couldn't tell to your brother.

"Fine," You sniffled, still laying face down on your bed, trying to stop crying. They opened the door and walked over Zayn sat down on your bed and out his hand on your back. (Not like that guys, THIS IS EMOTIONAL!)

"Hey, don't listen to you mum when she says stuff like that. You're perfect how you are, none of us ever want you to feel pressured to do something like that, especially from your own mum," Zayn said. You sat up and wrapped your arms tightly around Zayn.

"Thanks, I needed that," You smiled, "I probably look like a train wreck," you laughed.

"You'll always be perfect, and your mother has definitely got something wrong with her if she can't see that," Zayn smiled, making you laugh, before whispering, "Don't tell her I said that." Making you laugh even harder. Which is why he was special to you, no matter what happened he could always put a smile on your face or make you laugh, "So how about that birthday movie?" he said picking you up of the bed as you laughed.

LOUIS: You weren't very far when you heard Louis call your name, but you didn't stop running. You were crying and no one needed to see you like that. You ran and ran until you reached a park. The one Louis took you to when you were little to play football. He had always let you win, you almost laugh as the memories come back.

You walk to the middle of the field and lay down in the grass, you had thankfully stopped crying and just closed your eyes, "Hey," you quickly opened your eyes only to see Louis walked towards you with his hands behind his back, "Wanna play some football?" He smiled.

You were happy he knew that you would be here, because he has been gone for like a whole 3 years and you didn't think he would ever remember, although you smiled stood up and said, "Bring it on!" he knew exactly how to make you feel better, and you were so grateful to have him as your older brother :)

NIALL: You ran you the bathroom and locked the door before leaning against is and dropping to a sitting position before crying. Niall had came after you though, "Hey (Y/N)."

"Go away Niall, you're the reason my mother thinks I'm worthless!" You yell at him, you honestly didn't meant to but you needed someway to get rid of your hurt and you wanted him to know how you had been feeling for the past 3 years.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I had no idea she would treat you like that-" You didn't want to listen to him right now, you loved him, he was your best friend but you just couldn't.

"That's the thing Niall, you didn't know. You were my best friend and you just left, you never text me and you never call me, you abandoned me, I have no one, you never gave me that chance to tell you because you don't talk to me anymore!" You shouted at him through the closed door, you were in tears, and you hated yelling at him like this, "I am mad at you because you know who did text me and ask how I was doing? Liam did, Zayn, Louis, Harry occasionally too but you know who never did? You never did, but you were almost always on the phone with mom and that hurt, that you had time to talk to mom for hours but never had time for your little sister." You were bawling by now, and you could tell Niall was crying too when he finally spoke.

"(Y/N), I am a horrible brother and an even worse best friend to you and you deserve someone way better than me. I just thought that well, you're growing up and I didn't think you would want to talk to your brother, I know I never wanted to talk to Greg when I was your age, I didn't want to seem 'uncool' and I thought that's how you felt about me. If I had ever known about this I would book a flight down here in a heartbeat to be with you-" Without allowing him to finish you unlocked the door and tackled him in a hug.

"I'm sorry, please don't cry, I didn't mean to make you feel like that, I just..." You said.

He laughed, "Don't apologize."

ZAYN: "(Y/N), you're amazing and whatever mum has told you don't believe her. You're amazing, I've seen you do things that I wish I could do, don't stop doing that because mum says you have to be like me, do what you love. Never let anyone pressure you to do anything you don't want to. You're a great person and dont ever change for anyone," Zayn said, with you still wrapped in his arms, "Let's go get ice cream, yea?" You laughed and nodded before leaving.

LIAM: You didn't go very far, you could still hear talking in your apartment from where you were but if somone looked outside the door foor you they wouldn't see you and you were grateful, you just wanted to be alone, not even with Liam. You had almost been hoping for that three years that he would not find out about you mother harsh word because you didn't want to see how he would react, if he loved her more even after he knew you would never want to see him again, although you didn't want to see their relationship ruined.

You couldn't hear what they were saying because everything sounded like mumbling but you knew he was mad by the tone in his voice, "(Y/N), it's just me," Liam said, the tone in his voice softening.

You kept quite but you heard his footsteps coming closing to where you were hinding, you soon saw his face peer around the corner, "Hi," He almost whispered as he sat down beside you, "I'm so sorry, I never even knew."

"It's not like it's your fault you're so perfect," You scoffed.

"(Y/N), listen, I'm sorry that that was happening to you. You shouldn't listen to her, you're amazing just the way you are and I wouldn't want you to change for anyone espesially mum."


So, since like the only requests I got was to do part 2 of this one I did :) <3 for you guys <3 and I'm sorry Zayns is so short I had no idea what to do for that one but I still managed to add some.

Leave anymore requests :) Also I might change my wattpad name.... (mine sounds a bit carroty right now... dont you think lol) but if I were to change it what do you think it should be?

Also, I would like to thank every single one of you for all the reads and votes and comments I never thought I would ever experience this, this is like the closest I'll come to being famous haha. and 205 follwers!!! thats amazing you guys!! I definetly don't deserve all this and this experience but I enjiy every moment on here and it's all thanks to you guys. You guys mean so much to me like seriously I wasn't even expecting to get to 50 reads but now I have 1.8 million oh my gosh I love you guys.

I went and read all the comments yesterday and I may not be abme to reaspond to all of the comments but I will definetly respond to all my messages :)

Once again, I love you all with a stong, firey passion <3

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