You're on Your Period (IMAGINE)- Niall

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Someone requsted and imagine and oh my gosh I am so exited! Sorry if it's bad!!! And the person who requested I think your name is Sarah so yea if its not then when it says Sarah put your name there Kay? and sorry if its too short but I didn't think I could make it any longer.


(SARAH'S POV)I weas lying on my bed, it was the after noon and I was eating chips and watching disney movies and texting my boyfriend Niall. I had told him I was tired and I was going to go to sleep.

I had woken up in the morning to awful, awful cramps they were always so bad that sometimes I would actually start crying and it hurt to move. I had a head ache and the last thing I wanted to hear right now was my phone ring, I reached and grabbed it off the night stand but that only made the pain worse.

"What?!" I asked who ever was on the other end with a mixture of pain and anger in my voice.

"Sarah? It's Niall, are you crying?" Niall asked.

"No!" I shout reaching to wipe the tears off my face, but whimpering from the pain.

"Ok Sarah, please will you tell me what's wrong," Niall asked.

"I got my period and it just hurts so bad," I say full on crying again.

"I'll be over in 5 with Midol and chocolate, ok?" Niall said.

"I love you, thanks," I tell him.

"No problem, love you too, see you soon," He said sweetly, then hung up the phone.

I lay on my bed waiting for Niall and attempting to ignore the pain as I quicky flip the tv on.

I soon heard the door to my apartment open,"Sarah?" I heard Niall's voice call.

"Up here!" I shout.

I heard him come down the hall then into my room, he tried to sit gently on my bed but failed causing me to whimper from the pain that burned in my body.

"I'm so sorry Sarah, are you ok?" Niall asked worry in his voice.

"Yea fine, just in so much pain, can't handle movments, for the love of god someone help me please!" I say holding my stomache.

Niall laughed.

"This isn't funny!" I say but couldn't keep the smile off my face and started laughing.

"Sorry babe, I'm sure that if I was going through this I wouldn't want someone joking about it," He tried to say seriously bad couldn't stop laughing.

"Niall, could you make me tea?" I ask,.

"Sure princess, stay here," He says.

"No, I'm just gonna go and walk around while it feels like demons are trying to murder me from the inside out," I say sarcastically.

"Right, I forgot, I'll be back in like 3 minutes," He said.

"Way to be specifec," I joke.

In a couple minutes he came back to my room with chocolate, midol, and tea.

"Thanks," I say.

"And one more thing," Niall says running out of the room then running back in and holding a movie in the air,"I brought The Notebook!" He said.

"My faveourite movie! Oh my gosh lets watch," I say exitedly and then swallowing the midol with a sip of tea.

I was only the after noon and I was already tried, so about half way throught the movie I fell asleep in Niall's arms and right before falling asleep I heard a soft voice say, 'I love you'.

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