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HARRY: Today you were going with Harry to watch him get his new tattoo. You weren't all for the idea but it was his body, "Does it hurt to get a tattoo?" You asked. You had never had a tattoo before and you were curious.

"Kinda, like it depends where you get it and it hurt me more on the first tattoo I got," Harry said.

"Oh," You said. You had been thinking about getting a tattoo for a long time.

"Hi!" The person at the tattoo parlor said, "Harry Styles, just follow me." She took you both into a little room, "The artist will be here soon."

"What are you getting?" You asked even though you were pretty sure you were annoying him with questions.

"A rose," He laughed, "You sure want to know a lot."

"I was thinking of getting one," You giggled.

"I'm sure you would look very hot with a tattoo," Harry smiled before a really big guy came in and started talking to Harry about his tattoo. He pulled out a big needle and started drawing, Harry just sat there like nothing was going on.

"Can I hold your hand?" You asked.

"Of course but... why?" He asked.

"It looks painful and I can't," You said closing your eyes.

LOUIS: Louis had just come home after tour and you were exited to see him like always. You were both changing to go to bed and Louis pulled his shirt off, "What's that?" You asked pointing to a new tattoo.

"A tattoo..." Louis said.

"I thought you weren't going to get another tattoo on this tour," You said trying to keep calm.

"Eh," He shrugged it off.

"We talked about this. You promised me you weren't going to get another tattoo," You siad.

"Well I'm allowed to do what I want, it's my body after all, I don't have to not do something because someone else doesn't want me to," He said.

"Ok, whatever. I just wish you would have told me something about this instead of just coming home with it," You said.

"You know what you're right. Sorry, I should have asked you to get a tattoo because you're in charge of everything," Louis said. You could tell he was annoyed, you didn't want to upset him anymore so you got your pajamas on and went to watch tv.

NIALL: "Are you exited, nervous or both?" Niall asked you. You were both getting your first tattoo today and even better they were going to be matching. You were both getting hearts on your wrists.

"Both," You laughed.

"Me too, this is really exiting," niall said.

"What if it hurts really bad?" You asked.

"Then Princess. I'll hold your hand," Niall smiled.

"Ugh, my hero," You joked.

"You know they're permenent, so if we break up then we'll have matching tattoos still," Niall warned.

"OK. One I know, Two we aren't going to break up," You laughed and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, "I'm not scared."

"I love you Princess," Niall said.

"I love you too Nialler," You said, "I'm glad we both worked up the guts to do this."

ZAYN: You were visiting Zayn since he was in the States for 1D Day, you were both in the boys dressing room cuddling on the couch, "Can I see your gun tattoo?" You asked. You didn't mean to be awkward but you hadn't seen it yet.

"Sure boo," Zayn laughed and lifted up his shirt so show you the gun on his side. BUt of course to make things awkward the boys walked in right as he lifted up his shirt.

"Whoa! Don't go in there!" Louis shouted.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Zayn and (Y/N)..." Louis trailed off. You and Zayn heard laughs from outside and a few awkward shouts.

"Of course they came then," You laughed burrying you face in your hands.

Zayn was never bothered by this stuff, probably because they're his best friends but it really embarrassed you, "It's ok boo. They're just weird."

"Ugh, that was embarrassing. All that from a tattoo..." You laughed.

LIAM: "What does that one mean?" You asked pointing to the feather with the words 'I figured it out' around it.

"Well the words, thats a line to one of our new songs. The feather is for my nan. Me and my mom would always find feathers around the house and she would always tell me it was my nan leaving then for us to find. So it's for my nan," He explained.

"That's really sweet," You said.

"What does yours mean?" He asked tracing the 5 birds on your forearm.

"Mine is for people who were close to me who passed away, each one repreasenting on person," You said.

"Who?" He asked you.

"My grandma, my grandpa, my cousin, my uncle and my best friend... hers is the one thats a little bigger," You say.

"That's really kind of you," Liam said, "Plus it looks very nice."

"Thank you," You smile.


K so this was like I was thinking about tattoos. Me and my mom were talking about Louis tattoo (the rope infinity sign with it breaking on the inside of his wrist...) And I really really like it. My mom said that if it was something I really wanted, I could get a tattoo for Christmas. I think it would be really cool, I really like tattoos and peircings and stuff. The thing is, I don't want to get made fun of. I'm 13, I know you're probably all like 'your mom would let you do that wow' she isn't bad! She thinks that I should be able to make my own decisions and if that means getting a tattoo she would let me. She doesn't see a problem with it and she said she would let me if I was sure about it and it was something I really wanted. And I swear if you comment 'you're to young to make decisions like that' omg I wouldn't even. p.s my mom isn't a normal mom she's a cool mom ;D Anyways you should comment me your opinions about my decision :3 Becasue I do really want it but would you judge me if I got a tattoo and went to your school?

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