Their perfect voices <3 <3

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HARRY: Pure seduction created by deep and slow singing <3

LOUIS: Beautiful chocolate-like sensation with a high pitch and extraordinary voice cracks <3

NIALL: Irish wonderland that takes you to a newer world than Aladdin (Lol) <3

ZAYN: Lusciously dramatic high notes with glass breaking capability.

LIAM: Crystal clear extravaganza that makes you feel as though you are running through a meadow with Bambi and other beautiful forest creatures.


I'm elike screaming 1D Day is going to be my life gosh. Ok short one so I could talk about this XD I put makeup on so I could watch a livestream omg what has my life come to...... Anyways. I will post a fact about me in the next update for every vote I get because I'm really bored and 1D Day starts in less that 2 hours omg I'm screeching halp me. I have 2 tabs for 1d day open and they are different times and I'm really confused omg here I better stop

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