Chapter 1

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"Run dear sister! it would be terribly boring if you let yourself get caught!"

"Mother said she'd reward us if we caught you!"

"It's useless to run lovely sister! Mother said we could have some fun if we catch you!"

 The sound of their jeers and taunts only make my fear and anxiety worse. Heart pounding relentlessly in my chest, I continue to run away from my siblings. Mother said that they could do what they want with me, so in turn, they started the 'game'. A game in which happens so often, It's become a normal occurrence in my household. 

Foot catching on a root, I fall to the ground. I whimper and curse lowly to myself. How pathetic is it, that my legs give out because of a blasted root. Terrified I scramble to my feet and try to run, only to be snagged by the hair.

"You allowed yourself to be caught again, dear sister. How disappointing." Hisses out a masculine voice, his tone absolutely lethal. 

I whimper in pain as I'm slammed into the ground. Two sets of hands hold me down as I struggled to escape their grasp. I knew what was going to happen, and that sent jolts of fear throughout my body.  My brother Ryoko kneels down in front of me, kunai flashing dangerously as his blue eyes narrow. 

"Why... you have such a pretty face... it's a shame that you are the way you are. If you weren't such a disgrace, maybe you'd be considered our sister...if only." 

Without a moment's hesitation, he brings the Kunai down on my face. I bit my tongue in pain, the urge to scream a strong one. The Metallic taste of blood fills my mouth as I bite harder. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of hearing me scream out in pain. Ryoko drags the kunai down from the bridge of my nose, down to my collarbone. I begin to squirm and fight back as the Kunai is handed to my sister, Bellatrix.

"My turn....why don't we give you something to remember us by, something to remind you that you'll never be like the rest of us. " With a sudden jerk, I'm flipped onto my stomach and the back of my shirt is ripped apart. What is she doing!?, NO!

"No! Stop please!" My pleads remain unanswered as the cold touch of the Kunai reaches my skin. Slowly and painfully the kunai digs into my skin, creating a very familiar Kanji. The same Kanji that is always carved into my skin. The Kanji for worthless. However, she's cutting into my skin deeper than ever before...this one will not disappear, it will scar me forever. Pushing my face into the dirt, my body quivers as I try to rein in my sounds of pain. The effort of it all leaves my body weak. 

"Oh, Bellatrix! Let me have a turn!" 

I scream and struggle even more, but my siblings were too strong for me. My second brother Silver gives me a Malicious smile before stabbing me in the leg. Immense pain spread through me as I scream bloody murder, the pain over-taking my body. silver never carved words in my body, he refused too...but that didn't stop him from inflicting pain in other ways. 

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now