Chapter 18

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   "papa's home! Momma, Papa's home!"

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   "papa's home! Momma, Papa's home!"

Foot steps ring through out the house as three children make their way to the door; happy to finally see their father again.

A man with Black hair, blue eyes and adorned in ANBU Armour walks through the front door, instantly being bombarded by multiple pairs of arms.

"Welcome home Papa!"

The quadruplets echo in unison.

"Hello children, did you all behave like I asked?" The three nine year old's, eagerly nod their heads. Signaling that they had indeed listened.

The man surveys the children, noticing that a familiar head of white hair was missing. The Children's father frowns and stands up and moves away from the kids.

"Welcome home, dear." Says a sickly sweet voice.

The man seems to tense as he turns his head towards his wife. It was obvious to everyone that the man detested the woman, but for the sake of the children, he did not show it in front of them.

"It's good to be home, Mohana."

Taking off his ninja shoes, the man head towards his wife, giving her a tense hug before stepping back. Turning to the kids, he addresses them with a warm tone.

"Run along, I need to have a word with your mother." Without a moments hesitation, the three take off in a mess of giggles. Happily awaiting the new game that they would come up with next. Turning, the man glares at Mohana.

"Where is she. And what have you done to her."

Mohana give a sick grin, shaking her head in amusement. "She's up in her room, Daisuke." Daisuke grits his teeth and turns to head up the stairs. "I swear to Kami, if she is hurt in anyway, shape or form..I will-"

"You'll do what? Last time I checked, you can't kill family. Let alone Your wife." Daisuke turns his head, giving her a knowing smile. "But divorces are allowed aren't they?" Mohana's face twists into one of fear and shock.

Turning yet again, Daisuke makes his way up the stairs. "Not only that. But if I left now, How would you put food on the table, Once me and Shizukana are gone? You are no Shinobi. You mainly rely on your singing to defeat people, but the Hidden mist needs more then just singers....Think your actions through before you even DARE to hurt Shizukana again. Other wise, You'll be left both Defenseless, Hungry and alone."

With that,Daisuke walks up the remainder of the stairs, Leaving his wife rooted to the spot.

Shizukana's P.O.V (8 years old)

Foot steps are heard down the hall. I tense up and ready myself for another beating. Mother wasn't in a good mood today..and I bet she's come back to-

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