Chapter 25

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           The Festival continued to roar with excitement and joyous song

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The Festival continued to roar with excitement and joyous song. Oh how I would have loved to have stayed there for the remainder of the day, but unfortunately my new "friends" had grown impatient with me. They demanded answers.

Mist Ninja are known for not being very patient on the best of times, and frankly. The only reason Sairen's even have a sliver of it, is because our Genjutsu demands it. Without patience all of our attacks would be absolutely useless.

Now, if you take away the fighting, then a Sairen will have almost no patience. Well, from what i can tell from these three. It much only be with the younger generation of Sairen. Cause I know that I myself can lose all sense of patience at times. Now maybe not everyone is like this, but from the few i've seen i'm going to go ahead and make that assumption. No matter how unfair it may seem.

The girl which had later identified herself as Rin Sairen (Cold Siren) immediantly demanded answers from me. Although she wanted answers, I was highly puzzled by her name. In which way is she cold? Cold during battle maybe? Maybe she shows no mercy to others? Who really knows.

Anyways, none of the three even knew who I really was until they saw my wanted posters around the compound. Heck, the only time they saw me was maybe once or twice in the halls back in the academy. Although Takeshi (Military/warrior) did state that he saw me in class everyday. Just never thought to come and talk to me. So of course they were all very suspicious of me. Even the boy Mamoru (Protective) was still very cautious of me, even though he said I wasn't lying in the first place.

Frankly its very smart of them to still be wary of me. It at least lets me know that my clan isn't full of idiotic fools who only rely on they're damn singing. They're actually using their brains.

Still, firing question after question at me annoyed me greatly. So in the long run, I though that it would just be easier for them to look directly at my memories. So here I am, standing before HIruzen, asking for an interrogator or someone that is capable of diving into my memories.

"Excuse me? You want what?" Hiruzen-Sensai's voice was lined with utter curiosity and astonishment. Sighing lightly, I take a knee and bow my head. Something that I don't do often...

"I would like to to request and interrogator....someone that is able to dive into my mind and look through all of my memories....please Hiruzen-Sensai..." My voice was pleading, almost on the verge of begging. I don't beg...but unless i want to be dragged back to the mist then I need to show them. Although I highly doubt that i'd go without a fight.

Gasps seemed to ring out throughout the room as it began to sink in that the Hokage was my Sensai. My arm begins to burn as Hikaru fights to break free. Not having the patience to deal with him, I allow him to come out. Black mist filling the room just like every other time, Hikaru comes out. Instantly kneeling beside me, He throws a glare in my direction.

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