Chapter 4

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"Kakashi, why!"

I whine, dragging my feet behind me begrudgingly as Kakashi pulls me in the direction of the ninja academy. 

"Because, you need to become a Genin and besides, you need friends." Say's Kakashi plainly, his hold that of steel as he refuses to release me from his grip. 

I look up and stick my tongue out at him in childish spite. "I understand the first one but for the second, no. I don't need friends, I've done just fine without-" 

Kakashi turns and looks at me with a questioning look. "animals don't count!" I say sharply, my gaze turning to meet his fully. He rolls his eyes and continues to drag me along with little remorse. 

"Yes, you do. So far, you are only able to hold a conversation with only a handful of people. If you wish to be a full shinobi, you need to learn to communicate and create bonds. Shizukana, it's been five months and you haven't spoken to anyone other than me, the third and Asuma. Maybe sometimes the nurses and Doctors, but frankly, that's it." Kakashi doesn't look at me as he speaks, his eyes set only for the destination. 

I huff and pout, allowing myself to be dragged along, as I no longer have the energy to fight against him.  "You guys are all that I need, I don't need anyone else." Kakashi stops and turns around, gripping me by the shoulders as he crouches slightly to look me in the eyes. 

"I'm happy that you've gotten so far as to say that, but you cant stay in the house forever. Can you please at least try?" he says, his tone pleading but stern. A weird mix if you ask me. 

  I grin at him cheekily as I rip my hands out of his grip.  Stomping loudly and pointing a finger down the road, I begin to sing a small tune.  "We're off to go to school! The horrible place of school!"

laughing. I run ahead of Kakashi, false energy coursing through my veins.  If he wants me to at least try then try I will.  I can't promise much, but I'll try my hardest. My problem is that I'll promise to make friends, but I'll just end up freezing up or running away. Internally, I frown as my gut twists. Must I do this? 

Looking back at Kakashi, i feel my resolve strengthens, and my anxiety lessens. 

Do it for him. 

"Come on Kakashi!! I'll race you there!" I cheer, looking back briefly to shoot him a smile. A white flash pass's by me almost instantly. My smile broadens at the challenge and within moments, I am running after him. 

"You're so on." I refrain from taking off my 200-pound leg weights.(A/N before anyone comments, this is considered rather light for training Shinobi. If you compare her to Rock Lee, she is a twig and he would be a freaking oak tree) Taking them off would mean that id have to come and pick them up later, something that I do not want to do. I intend to go straight home after class today. 

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