Chapter 11

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Shizukana's P

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Shizukana's P.O.V

They all give me odd stares as I stand stiffly beside Hikaru. I feel Hikaru brush his arm against mine, causing me to look at him. Surprisingly he gives me a small yet much-appreciated smile. I give a small one back before turning back to Kakashi.

Kakashi sighs and takes out an alarm, placing it on a log.

"Well. Now that is over and done with. We can get started.-"

He turns and faces us, his voice dripping with boredom.
"You're assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bells from me..... That's all there is to it. But if you can't get them by noon, then you go without lunch. You'll be tied to those posts, and you'll be forced to watch as I eat my lunch in front of you."

That evil nitwit. Just what is he up too?  There's only three bells...and there's four of us...And Kakashi usually has a reason for everything...
As I think it over, Naruto begins to whine about not eating.

"Wait a minute, there's four of us. So how come there are only three bells?"

I cross my arms and give Kakashi a pointed look, urging him to answer Sakura's question. He simply laughs and gives us all a closed eye smile.

"Well that way, at least one of you will be tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. That one goes back to the academy... Then again, all four of you can flunk it too."

"You can use any weapons you want, including Shuriken. If you're not prepared to kill me, then you won't be able to take the bells. I do have one condition though, and that's specifically related to Shizukana."

I shoot him a dirty glare as all the attention is suddenly drawn to me. I keep silent as he points to Hikaru then to my exposed shoulder.

"I want you to return Hikaru to his tattoo, and I don't want you to use summons of any kind."

I resist the urge the urge to growl at my adoptive-father, but since others were around I thought better of it.

Giving a glance to Hikaru, I grab his arm, focusing Chakra in it, and then focusing Chakra into my tattoo.

Ignoring Hikaru's scowl and hiss of annoyance, he begins to disappear Into black mist. Once the black mist was gone, the purple eyes in the tattoo glowed fiercely. Indicating that Hikaru was anything but happy at this arrangement.

Surely enough I already feel tiny bits of chakra sucking away from me.

"That's cool Shizu-Chan! Believe it!"

"Huh. A show-off and a freak. Great." Sakura says sneering

Ignoring the sting of hurt from that remark, I focus my attention back to Kakashi. He nods to me and gives Sakura a pointed look.

"Sensei, the shurikens you mentioned earlier are too dangerous! Someone could get seriously hurt!" Sakura exclaims, her voice full of worry.

I let out a snort of mild humour and disgust. Is being a ninja a joke to her? If she's so worried about simple things like Shuriken, then being a ninja isn't for her. Some people don't have the choice and are forced to become a ninja, being the lucky one she is. She has a freaking choice...honestly, if I originally had a choice I would still be a ninja...but a choice still would have been nice.

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