Chapter 13

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A/N- The symbol up above is Shizukana's clan symbol

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A/N- The symbol up above is Shizukana's clan symbol. (Just wanted to clear that up in case anyone was confused.) Also sorry for not doing an actual update in a really long time. I blame myself for being notoriously Shikamaru lazy just without the smartness. Anywhoo If you guys have any questions about the story i'll answer as best I can. -Mizuko

Shizukana's P.O.V

To wait for a sensei's answer is horrible. Never knowing whether you'll get punished, yelled at, hit, or let off the hook. Unfortunately some of those possibilities could await me any moment now, as Hiruzen-Sensai stares at me quietly. His face is deadly serious, almost angry as his eyes flicker from me to the stack of papers on his desk. Eyeing the papers on his desk for a moment, I catch the familiar seal of the Mizukage.

Dread slowly makes it's way to the surface as I think of the worst possibilities that could happen at any moment.

With one more puff from his pipe, Hiruzen-Sensei opens his mouth and begins to speak, voice low and skeptical.

"So you're telling me, that you have a double personality, and when put through enough emotional stress, it comes out."

I blink a few times, scared as to where he was going with this. Does he think i'm hiding something? Or does he just know. By the look of those Kirigakure scrolls, the news of my disappearance and the murder must have reached him already. I'm not letting it faze me just yet though.

"Hai, everything that I told you was true. Yet even though that side is apart of me, it's considered more dangerous then my current state right now. My other personality is bloodthirsty and rash, acting on impulse rather then logic."

If I tell him more then he shouldn't suspect me that much, or rather. He won't get too angry with me afterwards. The more he knows right now, the more he might trust me. Sensei sits in silence, looking me over at least a thousand times over.

"There's something that you're not telling me, Shizukana."

My blood runs cold, and panic inevitably begins to set in. Why did I think he would't suspect? He's the damn Hokage for crying out loud, nothing can get past him. And the fact I thought that I could live here without anyone knowing.....was truly stupid on my part. The question is, what does he plan to do? If he knows, then he'll probably send me back to Kirigakure or send me in for interrogation, and personally. Id rather have the latter.

There was no point in hiding now, and if I try to lie. It will only make my situation worse.(A/N I've had this personally happen,cause my parents seem to find out everything...i swear they're secretly spy's or something.) Clearing my throat, I will myself not to stutter as I meet my Sensei's gaze.

"I'm guessing that you found out about me from Kirigakure? Most specifically the Mizukage?"

His facial expression seemed to soften just a tad. But the serious look he adorned previously didn't fade in the slightest. He pulled out the scroll from the pile on his desk, setting it down in front of him.

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