Chapter 33

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         "Let me go! LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO!!!!" I struggle and squirm, panic rising to new heights as I continue to feel her link weaken

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         "Let me go! LET ME GO LET ME GO LET ME GO!!!!" I struggle and squirm, panic rising to new heights as I continue to feel her link weaken. Rin continues to hold me by the shoulders, Takeshi soon coming over to help her.

I need to get to her!!!

With a scream of frustration, rage and desperation, I fuse Chakra into my entire body and fling the two away from me.

"Get out of my way."

Not even sparing them a glance, I sprint into the direction of where I feel her faint, but still existing presence.

I can save her...I CAN SAVE HER!

I ignore the whipping of tree branches hitting my body, and the tears that continued to cloud my eyes; preventing me from fully seeing where I'm going.
Every second I waste, every breath I take, Pandora could be slipping away, she could be taking her last breath of air right at this very moment.....and-and....

I will get to her In time.

The words did nothing to sooth me, however. Because by the time that I managed to make it to her....her life was already dwindling down to a mere thread, and the sight that greeted me made me want to vomit.

Tripping over my own feet in my rush to get to her, I fall to the ground...into a puddle of Pandora's crimson blood. A choked sob causes my entire body to shake as I pull myself up to my hands and knees. Pandora's blood soaked through my clothes and dyes my white crystalline hair a bloody red.

With my body shaking violently, I make my way over to her barley breathing body, taking care as to not slip in the blood.

Despair hits me full force as I make my way over to her side, my shaky hands hovering over her body.

Her once Pristine white fur was matted, and soaked in her own blood. In  several spots, her fur was even ripped out from the very roots themselves.

Another sob shakes my body, and the tears fall even harder. Her stomach was ripped to shreds, allowing the innards of her body to spill out onto the ground....and one of her paws were missing entirely, along with some of her claws from her other paws.....she was tortured....and she didn't call me...

The rise and fall of her breathing start to slow, and the feeling of pure helplessness appears and makes me sick.
Moving towards her face, I take her marred face and held it in my lap.

"P-Please don't l-leave me... please..please Kami please!"

The crashing of bushes and tree branches indicate the arrival of the others, but I completely disregard them as I focus on Pandora eyes.

Pandora opens her eyes and looks at me with nothing but sadness and pain.

"Stop! Stop talking! Save your strength, we're going to get you some help! Just hold on!"

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now