Chapter 2

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"Mistress, are you sure that you're okay?"

My second summoning asks with a worried tone. I sigh and grip on to Pandora's fur even tighter, my arms and legs quivering with the effort of trying to stay upon her back. The power that was given to me earlier has since vanished, and the toll of my injuries is starting to get to me. The only reason Pandora is still here is that I'm using all of my willpower and strength that I have left. 

"D- don't worry...I'm fine." The White wolf merely sighs and continues to run. Pandora was currently helping me escape from the clan compound. After my psychotic blow out, I knew then, that I couldn't stay there anymore. Even with soundproof walls, the killing of my family wouldn't go unnoticed. 

 I had only packed the necessities, along with a few trinkets before then I summoning Pandora. My largest Wolf summons out of three. Pandora had the ability to move faster than the other two, and along with that, she knew Jutsu's that could cut the travel time of our escape. She didn't tell me where she was heading, but I hardly cared. 

I bury my face Into her soft fur and give a low groan of pain as nausea took hold of me. 

"Pandora...where is the closest village...from here?.... I need to...see a hospital..."

My wounds had been mildly treated by myself...but after the strain, I put on my newly made wounds...I had just made them worse. The only thing I need help with is, is stitching up the stab wound. The Kanji marks can be dealt with later...

"The nearest village is Konoha, about four miles, south-east from here." She say's lowly, her breath coming out laboured as she ran. 

I squeezed my legs for grip as Pandora jumps over a boulder.
Warm liquid seeps out of my leg, indicating my leg had begun to bleed again. Shock and surprise still take root in my mind. Konoha was at least a weeks travel by foot...what Jutsu did she use to get us here. It's only been half a day...

As another wave of Nausea hits me, I push the thought away. 

"Please hurry...Pandora.."
I can't believe that im being so useless. Having to get help from my summonings all the time...not even just that, but I struggle to even KEEP them here. In a few minutes I'm going to run out of strength to support Pandora's presence...and when that happens...I'll probably die of blood loss. Maybe Mother was right. I am useless.  
My breathing begins to pick up as more blood seeps from my leg and now my face, and even my back. 

Sitting up I warn Pandora to prepare herself. With as much chakra as I could muster, I did a hand sign and teleported us to the village four miles away. It's a jutsu father taught me...however, the amount of Chakra it takes...immediately causes my head to spin and the urge to vomit worsen. 

Pandora now only has a few seconds before I'm forced to send her back. 

"Mistress what were you thinking!?" yells the wolf, her voice panicked as she no doubt felt the link between her and I weaken. 

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now