Chapter 35

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                  I double check that everyone was okay and that Sakura's pendant was once again filled with Chakra, before deciding to head back to the tower

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I double check that everyone was okay and that Sakura's pendant was once again filled with Chakra, before deciding to head back to the tower. I had originally wanted to stay to make sure Naruto wakes up, but Sasuke said that he was merely knocked out and that I should get going.

The heavy feeling of worry doesn't leave me as I heave a sigh. The feeling to just curl up and cry was still present as well, and it took all my willpower to swallow down another sob. Pandora wouldn't want to see me cry, nor would she want me to show such pitiful weakness...

Thinking back a few days, and even weeks, my brows furrow in guilt.

She wouldn't have been proud...if she had seen the bloodthirsty monster I have become. She would have been beyond disappointed in me, and that thought alone kills me internally. Swooping my eyes over the clearing once more, I meet eye contact with Sasuke and Sakura. giving them both a weak nod, I body Flicker back to the tower.

The usual smoke from 'teleporting' was now instead of a brilliant red lightning bolt. The hairs on my arms stand on end at the weird feeling, and I force myself not to shiver from the sensations. Like expected, I appear in the tower, but instead in the main hall, rather than in my own personal quarters.

The room was buzzing with soft chatter and the occasional joyful laugh of a joking ninja. The sounds of their mirth only cause me to sink deeper into despair. The sound was almost taunting me as I slowly begin to walk towards my room.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I become hyper-aware of how the room slowly goes quiet, and how eyes begin to stare in my direction.

How could I blame them for staring though? I am quite literally a bloody mess. Blood was still oozing from my shoulder, and only now did the sting become more noticeable

It's always the shoulder that gets stabbed.

I refuse to allow myself to acknowledge the wound, however. Others in this room will notice and take it as a weakness.

A weakness that they could exploit.

As I continue to walk down the hall, people move out of my way and try their hardest not to get close to me. I keep my eyes forward and refuse to meet any of their eyes. If I look in any of their eyes, I don't know what I'd do.

I'm so distracted by my thoughts, that the only thing that snapped me out of the daze; was the sound of the doors leading to the rooms slamming open. The doors were pushed open with such force that they slammed into the wall and were almost ripped off the hinges.

"Where is she?! Where is my daughter!"

My eyes widen as I take in the sight before me, my body refusing to respond to any of my commands. Standing there, was Kakashi, with the fiercest glare I had ever seen him give. He was positively enraged. His head was bowed, and his Sharingan was on full display.

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