Chapter 8

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Shizukana's P

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Shizukana's P.O.V

The words had left my mouth before I could process what was happening. I stare at the person in front of me, in complete awe and confusion. How is this even possible? Taking several steps back, I sit on my bed as the boy smiles wickedly at me.

"So you're the little girl who ended up summoning me?

His cocky attitude makes the shock evaporate, only to be replaced with anger. (God I really have anger issues. All this anger lately can't be good for me.)

I try my hardest to quench the need to punch him. Violence is not the answer right now, what I need to do is think rationally. During the moment of silence, I ignore his indirect insult and take the time to look over his features. It was obvious that he was doing the same to me. 

The boy has shaggy, fiery red hair with dark purple eyes that shone with hidden mischief. He's at least 5"5 so an inch taller than myself.  His build is one of an assassin, lean but well muscled. His attire was mostly red and black, practical colours for ninja wear. However, his clothes weren't as simple, as he's wearing black ninja shoes that go to his knees, each having a red strip down the middle. Red ninja pants tucked into his shoes.

I looked up. He sported a black high collar jacket, that cut into an upside down "V" near the bottom, and across his midsection was a red strip of cloth. To finish, the hint of a dark, blood red undershirt, shows through the short sleeved jacket. 

Overall he didn't look half bad. But as I've learned, looks can be deceiving.

"You done checking me out now? I know I'm hot but you don't need to be so obvious about it."

I scoff and shoot him a dirty glare, suddenly feeling my blood boil. How Arrogant cant this twit possibly get? Must he open his mouth every damn chance he gets?

"Shut your mouth. I want to know just why the hell I summoned a damn human."

He glared dangerously at me as he took a step towards me threateningly, obviously not liking what I said to him. 

"You don't get to Boss me around, Dollface." He says with a snarl. 

My face scrunch's up In disgust as I take a step forward, point to him then to the summoning papers.

"I'm pretty sure I can. Now as you're summoner, I want you to answer my damn questions."

He simply rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"Blame your ancestor for this. Whats-his-name created a jutsu to summon demons from another realm. It just so happened to be the Fallen that he summoned."

I lay down on my bed and gazed at the roof.

" The Fallen? You mean to tell me that Ketsueki Sairen summoned humans?"

A sigh of aggravation fills the air. Footsteps are heard, and the weight shifted on the edge of my bed.

" Yes, he did, and to answer your question, the 'Fallen' is a group of humanoid Siren's, who had their Tails removed by a Jutsu after crimes they've committed against humanity."

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now