Chapter 26

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between the cracks

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between the cracks.

she has twisted, dark,

and painful stories crammed

between the cracks in her heart

scattered across the surface of her own soul

stay with her and listen

she's worth it

she's always been worth it

-Whiskey Words & a Shovel


To think that one can simply 'get over' what happened to them, is a very hard concept to understand. How can one simply forget? I know that unless I'm alone, or something reminds me of the past, I try not to dwell on it too long....but the pain of reliving all those memories was intense. I though that they would be the only ones seeing it through my perspective, but honestly I couldn't have been more wrong.

Our minds were still connected, so whatever they saw. So did I. Their gasps of horror, their feelings and thoughts.....I felt and heard it all. It felt like hours that they were in there, and as I relived my most painful memories, I refused to shed even a single tear. No matter how much my throat tightened and eyes burned.....I refused to cry over it. Iv'e cried my fill, and crying some more won't change what happened to me.

Blocking out the continuous horror's that are currently being replayed, I focused my attention to the lighter side of the room. So far there were 14 doors, each representing someone in my life that has created positive memories, or memories that I cherish. Each door had a symbol that seemed to define each person in a way that made me recognize them.

(Try to guess which door belongs to who.)

Door one was white with a black door handle. In the center of the door was a blazing red Sharingan.

Door two was a bright orange with a dark blue door handle, and in the center of the door a red swirly symbol. I instantly know who this door belongs to, but the symbol kinda reminds me of a lollipop.

Door three was yet again completely black, The only exception to all the black was the smeared Uchiha symbol that had red paint dripping from the top part. Narrowing my eyes at it, I unfold my arms and take a step closer to it. It's kinda hard to see if it was indeed red paint.

Shaking my head, I look towards the other doors.

Door four was a midnight blue, and in the center was the golden symbol of a trident. The trident itself almost seemed to glow a purplish aura. A small smile reach's my lips at the though of my friend.

Door five was white, and in the center of the door was actually three symbols. A scroll, A kunai, and the Hokage hat. This one was a dead give away at who it was, even if the Hokage hat wasn't there I still could have known that it was him. But the freaking hat just made it that much easier.

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