Chapter 36

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I stand beside Obi and Shizunai, refusing to look them in the eyes, nor do I offer them any words. Standing tall, with my hands clasped behind my back, legs shoulder width apart, and dead eyes staring venomously at everything...I look genuinely dangerous.

I ignored every word that was being said about the preliminaries. All that I needed to focus on was how I was going to win my battle, and if I want to be bloody while fighting. Pandora wouldn't have wanted me to be unnecessarily ruthless...but I still can't make any promises to being civil.

From the group of people that finished the second exams, I could feel curious eyes trained on me as many take in my new appearance. Most specifically all the scars that were now visible and on display.

The black shirt showed a little of the beginning and the end of the 'worthless' Kanji. It also allowed everyone to fully see the 'demon' Kanji on my shoulder. A lot of them turned fully around from where they were standing just to look, some even gasping before turning back around to whisper among themselves. They either talked about the scars, or how Hikaru's eyes were shining brightly on my tattoo.

Either way, there was a lot of quiet chattering, both before and while the rules were being explained. Heck, the rules are still being explained right now, and others are still whispering.

I let a small growl when Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, and Kiba all turned their heads slightly to see what was going on. I give a sharp nod up towards the front. Basically telling them to turn around and pay attention.

As the higher-ups finish their long speech, I search the area for one particular person.


I realized that I not only have to apologize to her but the others as well. My insides twist and turn almost as if the thought felt wrong, but I knew that I had to do it. My behaviour was unacceptable, regardless if I was severely upset. Worrying the others will solve no problems, nor will pushing them away. Lost of my dear friends don't fully know why I'm pushing them away, nor do they understand the significance of me doing so. Considering this, It's cruel to be cruel to them when they have no clue what is going on. It would make more sense to tell my friends more about me, but I plan to do so later on.

After all, the likely hood of me going-

"Shizukana Sairen vs Itadori Katsuki."

I snap my head towards the person who said my name, only to realize that I and one two other people were the only ones left in the arena. Everyone else had moved up to the balconies.

"Good luck Nee-san! Kick his ass!" I look up towards the balcony and give Naruto the biggest fake smile I could muster, one that I hoped he would buy.

"Will do!"

Naruto's smile seemed to drop as he eyed me suspiciously. He gave me the look that says 'we will be having words later on'. I give him another smile and turn to face my opponent.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now