Chapter 14

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Shizukana's P

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Shizukana's P.O.V

What am I supposed to do now? Head turned towards the ground, I glower as I walk swiftly down the street. Mission to the Country of Waves...I can't do this. I don't even want to think about getting stronger now. Getting stronger is thrown out the window for now. Now I feel like a useless,scared little girl. All because Oji-san, and Nii-san might show up. I swear to Jashin if they show up....I might just break down. I might even go Nat shit crazy.

Sighing heavily I pick up my pace from a walk into a light jog.

The mission was to protect a drunkard to the Country of waves, which was unfortunately really close to Kirigakure. The odd thing was, is that he seemed guilty the moment he saw who was escorting him. Considering that it should be a simple C-ranked mission, nothing should go amiss...yet his words.....

I want you to protect me, even at the cost of your life.

Those words shouldn't be said when all that we're supposed to is deal with Country bandits, or roads men. So for him to say that, he would have to be implying ninja or even samurai. What is he-

"Hey, Siren!"


Skidding to a halt, I turn around to see that it was Kiba Inuzuka. He runs up to me with a grin on his face. Akamaru barks and I look up in his direction, giving him a small smile. I wonder what the Mutt wants? He must want something, or else he wouldn't of come up to me.

"Where you off to in such a hurry?"

I sigh and turn around, beginning to walk off. I don't have time for this, I have things to pack and we need to be gone in an hour.

"Hey, where you going?!"

If I don't give him an answer he'll keep talking won't he?

"Im going home to pack for a mission."

The Inuzuka's face seemed to drop, and I had to quirk an eyebrow at this. Is he upset that he isn't going on the mission, or that I'm going on one? To be honest, I hope he's upset that I talked, that way he won't want to talk to me.

"You get to go on a mission? Is it one that is outside the gate?"

I give a curt nod and his face turns into a frown. I hear him mutter under his breath that it wasn't fair, but I dismiss it. I continue to walk forward, Kiba never leaving my side.

Without warning at all, a weight was suddenly on my head, and I instantly freeze and go rigid. What the hell was on my head. I swear to Jashin that if it's anything other than Akamaru then I'll freak. Kira's laugh and the absence of his dog, reassures me that it was indeed Akamaru, that now rested on my head.

"It seems Akamaru really like you."

I just give a nod and continue to walk, taking a left down a street. We walk in silence, but like usual Kiba just had to break it.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now