Chapter 24

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        Everything's black

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        Everything's black. My eye's covered in a blanket of darkness, due to the fact that my eyes refused to open. My limbs feel heavy, like they were made of lead, but still movable if I use enough will power. Considering this, My hearing is still just as great as it normally would be if I was functioning properly. 

To my right the distinct noise of a heart monitor is heard, and then to my left is the breathing of a human, and another living thing. The only way that there could be a heart monitor is if i'm in the hospital back in Konoha. Which mean's I passed out for the remainder of the battle between Zabuza and Haku, and if I'm here safety, then that means they're dead and buried 6 feet in the ground.

Yet that still doesn't explain the breathing to my left. Who could this possibly be? The others should no doubt be training, so they probably wouldn't come visit me till later. If at all for that matter. Heck, who would visit me? It's disgraceful of me to have ended up in the hospital due to stupid Chakra Depletion.

I need to get up.

Using all the will power I had, and ignoring the sheering pain in my head, I force my eyes open. The bright light that floods my eyes momentarily blind me,my eyes taking a moment to adjust to the light.  Once my eyes were fully adjusted, I slowly turn my head to where I heard the breathing.

My eye's widen as I take in the familiar Fur lined coat, and red markings that only certain people have. Akamaru wasn't very far, in fact he was resting in his owners arms.  Both were both sound asleep, indicating that they had been here for quite awhile. Yet there's still one question that lingers in my mind

Why is Kiba and Akamaru here?

My eyes widen, as a sheering pain runs through my head, causing an involuntary groan to leave me. Unfortunately, Both the dog and the Inuzuka heard me, as they both begin to move. Curse them and their good hearing.

Akumaru's eyes are the first to open, and when his eyes land on me, he instantly begin to bark. Jumping from Kiba's arms, he lands on the bed and begins to lick my face. His tail wagging back and forth in excitement.  It brings a smile to my face, as I look at the excited pup.

"Shizukana!" hands grab my own, and grip it tightly. Turning my head to stare at Kiba, My eyes widen in shock as I take him in. His eyes weren't filled with worry or concern, but pure rage. He was anything but happy.

"H-Hey Mutt." my voice comes out in a stutter, for reasons I don't know. My greeting though seemed to only piss him off more.

He gives off a growl. "Dont 'Hey' Me! You Damn idiot! It's like I can't leave you for even one second before you get hurt!"

At this I let out a sharp laugh.

"Do you honestly think that you could have stopped what happened? This was bound to happen the moment I went on that mission." His eyes brows furrow together in confusion as he lets go of my hand.

Silence is a deadly thing. (Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now