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Scene 5


Coming upon Mirkwood, I got this feeling. Just looking at it made me feel... unsafe. The forest looked dark and sick. I could feel the evil lurching in it. It isn't natural for a forest to look grey. Normally they are green and full of color. Not this one.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf called out.

Upon the hilltop stood Beorn in bear form.

I gathered my stuff and let the beautiful pony go. Then I went over to Thorin.

"Thorin, I don't know if it is a good idea to go in there..." I softly spoke.

"We have no choice." Thorin turned to me and put his hand on my shoulder, looking into my eyes. "If you feel unsafe or scared I'll be there. Just stay close to me." Thorin gave me a smile.

I smile back as he pulled me in for a hug.

"You smell horrible." I joked, holding my nose.

Thorin laughed. "Jeez, thanks."

"I'm only speaking the truth."

Suddenly Gandalf came rushing out of the forest.

"Not my horse!" He shouted. "I need it."

I looked up at Thorin in concern.

"I'll be waiting for you at the overlook the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me." Gandalf told us. "This is not the Greenwood of old. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It'll seek to enter your mind and lead you astray. You must stay on the path. Do not leave it. If you do, you'll never find it again." As Gandalf left it started to softly rain.

Thorin lead me to the front of the group. "Come on. We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's day." He said, leading us all into the forest.

I placed behind Thorin and in front of Dwalin because of early.

The forest had no color on the inside. Most of the trees were bare and dying. Thick cobwebs filled most breaks in the trees. Sounds of creaking and cracking aloof in the air. I kept one hand on my sword handle just in case.

All of a sudden, we stopped. Thorin went up to Ori who was leading us.

"We've lost the path!" Oin shouted.

"Find it! All of you, look. Look of the path!" Thorin ordered.

Things were getting weird. The voice was echoing in my head. Thorin was screaming. It was getting hard to breath. When I walk it feels like I'm walking backward. My hand looks like it's getting bigger.

The others started to argue. I tiredly stood by Thorin. He was talking to himself.

"What was that?" He softly questioned. "Enough! Quiet! All of you!" Thorin shouted, turning to the others. "We're being watched."

Growling and creaking surrounded us. I moved closer to Thorin. A branched snapped behind us. We slowly turned around, being face to face with a monster. It was a giant spider. I shrieked as it roared at all of us. Thorin pushed me behind him. The spider grabbed him and spin Thorin in a web. More and more spiders joined, picking off the others. I tried to hide, but that failed.

I blocked out. When I woke, there was a thick layer of web that covered me from head to toe. The spider must have missed most of my face because a medium hole was allowing me to breathe and kinda see. I was hanging upside down. Trying to looking around, I saw the others. All I could think about was Thorin. Where was he?

Don't Go Thorin Oakenshield Where stories live. Discover now