Your mine (Jerome) part 1

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"I'll get the gas, Jerome." A scrawny man says.

The ginger boy paced up and down the bus aisle. "I want you all to know, this was a very difficult decision for us," he said and put his gun up to a crying girls head.

"It was between you and a senior citizens bingo party."

"In the end, we decided to skew a little younger. Youth won the day. Sorry."

He paced up the bus until he came across me.

"Well aren't you a pretty one." he said and played with my black curls." It would be a pity to waste such a pretty face."

He must have meant that I'm pretty because I don't cake my face with makeup like all the other girls here. I don't even wear makeup.

"Greenwood. Take her to the truck and chain her down." The ginger commanded.

A big guy with messy hair came up to me and wrapped his massive hand around my arm tightly making me yelp in pain.

"Greenwood. Don't be so rough with her."

Greenwood nodded and pushed me into the truck.

"Where are you taking me?" I said.

He said nothing and clamped chains around my small wrists.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked fearful of what the answer might be.

"Jerome wants to keep you for a plaything," he said and got really close to my face. "But I just wanna fuck you," he whispered in my ear making me use my legs to back up into the door as far as possible.

He grabbed me by the thighs and pulled me in between his legs. I screamed and he put a hand over my mouth while the other one pulled down my pants along with my panties. Once he got them down he started unbuckling his pants.

All of a sudden his weight was lifted off of me. I looked over to see that it was the ginger that pulled him off of me. He was laughing while kicking Greenwood in the stomach.

"Don't touch her. She's mine," he growled in greenwoods ear.

"Are you okay?" he said walking towards me.

I backed up into the door and cried.

"Let me help you put your clothes back on," he said softly.

I lifted my hips up and he slid my panties up and then my skirt.


I nodded.

Police sirens rang in the background.

"Well, I gotta go honeybun. And you know, get us out of here," he said and laughed at the end.

I waited in the back of the truck until it started moving. And when it did it was torture. The chains clamped tighter around my wrists. And I was pulling against the chains so it would clamp tighter. Tears fell down my face. I knew the chains would leave bruises.

It felt like it would never end but it did. The doors opened and a tall man with black slick back hair and a suit was there along with the ginger and greenwood. The skinny one wasn't there but he probably died.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" the guy in the suit asked me.

Did it really matter if I told them my name? I was probably going to die anyway.

"Daisy, "I whispered.

"I'm Theo. Do you mind if I ask how old you are?"

"I'm sixteen."

"She's just a child, Jerome," he told Jerome in a matter of fact voice.

"She's only 2 years younger than me. And she's good arm candy."

"Why don't you take those chains off, Greenwood. They must hurt her."Theo said.

Greenwood walked into the truck and got close to me so I kicked in the nuts making him fall to his knees and making Jerome laugh.

"That had to hurt," Theo said

Greenwood got up and started kicking and punching me. Jerome rushed in and pulled Greenwood off and pushed him out of the truck.

"Don't touch her!"Jerome spat in his face.

"Boys settle down." Theo scolded them.

"He started it, "Greenwood said.

Theo shook his head at Greenwood and walked over to me and unclasped the chains from my wrist.

"Thank you."

He stared at me for a moment. "You really are beautiful." that's all he said before turning and walking away.

Jerome helped me up and we all followed Theo inside. When we got inside I stared at everything in awe. It was all so glamorous.

"Jerome, you need to get Daisy here something for the bruises and cuts on her wrist," Theo said.

"We're going to my room," Jerome whispered in my ear.

He pulled me away from everyone else and dragged me over to his room. It was a really nice room. The bed was I think a queen size. And he had his own bathroom. It had everything anyone could ever want in a bedroom.

"In order to be mine I have a couple of rules." He said in a matter of fact tone.

"First of all, you can't date other guys. If I catch you with another guy I'll beat the guy to death." I didn't even know we were dating. Why did it even matter? It's not like I could date anyone here. I couldn't date Theo because he just seems a little off. And of course not Greenwood. If he ever tried to touch me again I would tackle him. And I would fight back. Not like when I was chained up and couldn't defend myself.

"Secondly, you have to keep yourself looking nice. So you have to wear whatever I want you to wear. Wear the perfume I want you to wear." I never wear perfume. My mother always told me that I didn't need it.

"Lastly, you have to sleep in the same bed as me." This one I really didn't like. It was the fact that I had to sleep in the same bed as the guy who kidnapped me.

"I don't want to sleep in the same bed as you," I whisper quietly.

"Would you rather sleep on the floor?"

I shook my head.

It looked like I was going to be sleeping with him for a while.

"Why don't you rest, honeybun. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

And with that, he left laughing all the way out.

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