Circus Freak (Jerome)

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This story was requested by PresleyRandle.

This might be multiple chapters.

My name Abigail Gordon and this is the story of how I got involved with Jerome Valeska. All my life I was taught how to be a polite, well mannered lady. My birth mother, Belinda Colombo, made sure of it. Sit with a napkin in the lap. Take small bites of food. Never binge in public. Say please and thank you. All that nonsense. Another thing she taught me was to be kind. But here in Gotham if your kind you get stepped on. But I was like that for a long time. Most of my life really.

That was until I met Jerome. He taught me a new way of life. That there was so much more out there staying home all day and knitting or doing homework. He showed me amazing things. But before he showed me theses wonders on life we had to meet.

Jerome and I met at a circus. After my mom divorced my father, Jim Gordon, he got custody of me and she moved to California. Anyways, the day I met Jerome my father was taking his new girlfriend Lee Tompkins on a date to the circus. She insisted I tagged along. Here's how it started:

"Come on, Abigail we're going to be late!" My dad yelled out to me. At this time I was still miss perfect.

"Coming, father!" I finish brushing my hair and ran downstairs.

I was wearing this outfit.

"You look beautiful, honey,"my father says and kisses my forehead

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"You look beautiful, honey,"my father says and kisses my forehead. I smile and hug him then Lee.

My dad opens the door for us, locks up, and we head to our car where he drives us to the Circus. The car ride there Lee and dad mostly talked. They often talked about whatever was on their mind. About desserts and music and whatever really. I didn't talk much though. My mother taught me not to speak unless spoken to. Bullshit right?

Anyways, we arrive at the Circus. The first thing we do is see the bearded Lady. What a fascinating sight, might I add. I've seen a lot of things in Gotham. But a bearded Lady was not one of them.

So we walk around for a while looking at whatever we pass by.

"Jim, I want to see the Snake dancer!" Lee holds onto my dad and squeezes him in excitement. The thing is he had promised me we'd see the elephants next. I knew that Lee would get her way though.

"But daddy you promised we'd see the elephants next!"I whined.

"Uhh, baby look we've got all night to see the elephants."

"Oh no Jim, let's take her to see the Elephants. You promised."

My dad was about to say something but I spoke up before he could.

"It's okay we can just see the Snake dancer, dad."I said.

"No really, Abigail. I insist." Lee said.

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