I'm Pregnant (Cameron)

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I'm waiting for the stick to show me a clear sign. It feels like hours but I know it's only been one minute. How long does it really need? It should just read the pee and tell me instantly! Isn't that what modern medicine is all about? God it was taking forever. My heart is beating so fast I think I might die. What will everyone think of me if it is positive? We're not even married! I should have listened to my parents and waited until we were married to have sex. But he was just so damn cute!

Oh my god this can't be happening!

I looked down at the plastic stick in my hands. It was positive. I was pregnant.

I sat on the toilet with my head in my hands. What was I going to do with a baby? Cameron would surely be mad at me. He was a successful actor with a lot of money. He could help me raise this baby. He loved me. Didn't he?

Cameron could be dramatic sometimes. Maybe that's why he's an actor. I should prepare dinner with candles and wear a nice dress. He likes the red one on me. He says it compliments my body well.

So I call him and tell him I have a surprise waiting for him when he gets back. He seems excited and if I was being totally honest, a little turned on. He tells me that he'll be back in an hour and a half. That doesn't give me much time though.

I immediately got started on my plan. I picked out Cameron's favorite dress that he loves. It was a sexy little red dress that he always loved to see me in.

I pick this dress out and lay it on my bed

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I pick this dress out and lay it on my bed. I cook up a quick meal. It was just fettuccine. I left it in the oven to keep it warm.

I do my make-up. I went for a natural look since Cameron doesn't like globs of make-up. And I sliped on my dress.

I was so worried as to how he would react I broke down crying. If he doesn't like me anymore I'll have to move in with my parents again and I'll be alone and pregnant with a kid I wasn't ready for. I was barely twenty one!

I wiped away my tears and fixed my make-up.

Cameron should be arriving in about twenty minutes so I light up the candles and serve the food. I was impressed that I could set up such a beautiful table.

I sat in my chair and watched the clock. Hopefully he would be here on time.

I waited. And waited. Then I waited some more. Befor I knew it thirty minutes passed by. He was only ten minutes late. He must be stuck in traffic. You know how Los Angeles is? It's always so crowded here. Everyone's so rude. They're always rushing around trying to get somewhere.

I'm from Houston, Texas actually. Everyone's much kinder over there. I moved out here to model. I'm doing really well actually. I'm not sure how it's going to be after I have this baby though.

Cameron always teases me about my accent. In a kind, gentle way. He says it's cute and it gets really obvious when I'm yelling. I guess that's true.

He's such a sweetheart. Always looking out for me. He can be too protective sometimes but it's cute.

I hope he loves the idea of a baby. I don't know if I do. I'm scared that my body will fall apart afterwards. I'm a model. I'm paid to look good!

Another thirty minutes passes and he's fourty minutes late. I sigh and go sit on the couch. He's either stuck at work or in traffic. Either way I was disappointed.

I put my feet up and then turn on the tv. I'm going to binge watch Parks and Recreation. It always cheers me up when I'm sad. I think my favorite character is Ron. Maybe Donna. I don't really know. Can't decide.

I'm laying on my leather couch right now. Does anybody ever notice how hot they get after a while?

Six episode later I'm still laying here waiting for Cameron to get back. I have to admit I was getting a bit irritated. I really needed to tell him something important and he was late. Was he going to be late for doctors appointment and the delivery of the baby and their first steps too? Maybe he wouldn't be there at all. Maybe he would throw me out on the streets.

All of a sudden there was a jingle at the door. Someone was coming in. That someone was Cameron. He looked flush and out of breath.

"I'm sorry, Amy. I had to stay late at work. I wish I could have been there. You don't know how bad I feel." He started spitting out nonsense.

I didn't say anything he just kept talking.

"Babe, I'm so, so sorry. I feel just terrible. You see..." and he just kept talking. And talking. And just straight up babbling.

I let him get it out while he sat on the couch I was laying on. My head resting in his lap. He sure could talk a lot.

He talked for a solid 5 minutes before he asked me if there was anything I wanted to say.

I finished chewing my popcorn. Picking the kernels out from between my teeth.

"Oh yeah. I'm pregnant."

Cameron froze. He stopped moving completely. That was a bad sign. Oh no.

I looked up at him.

Suddenly a smiled appeared on his face.

He picked me up and twirled me around kissing me all over. I was so happy that he was happy. It made my day. I didn't even care that he was late. What mattered was we were together and we loved each other and that's it.

"I love you so much, Amy."

"I love you too, honey."

*Authors note

I'm going to put out more chapters tomorrow. I have a few ready to be released.

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