Circus Freak Part 3

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Jerome has been in Arkham for a while now. I haven't heard any news about him. My dad doesn't even want to hear his name. I can't even mention him without being scolded. But that's how my dad was. I loved him but he could be too much sometimes. But it wasn't like he was horrible to me. We did have a talk after Jerome was arrested.

He told me that he shouldn't have left me alone to go hang out with Lee that night at the Circus. Who knows what could have happened to me. I could have been raped and killed. My dad almost broke down after that. But of course he didn't. I've never actually seen him cry. He's such a tough man. But he shouldn't always have to be. It's not fair to him.

Anyways, after our long conversation we hugged and made up. I wasn't in trouble anymore. My punishment had been lifted. I could go places now and hang out with people if I wanted to. Not that I ever did before.

One thing my dad wanted me to try at was making friends. I agreed to do so. I just want to make him happy so I did. I joined an art club. It seemed easy enough and the people there were nice.

I did end up meeting someone I liked. His name was Steve. He has black hair and light brown eyes. He is a very beautiful person. But he's no Jerome. But what were the chances of me seeing him again?

Steve and I were sitting at a table playing cards when he suddenly spoke up.

"Can I ask you something, Abby?" Steve asked nervously running his fingers through his thick hair. I almost didn't notice his sudden change of tone.

"Anything." I smiled at him.

"When I ask you this promise me it won't change anything between us." He was twitching his thumbs around.

"I can't promise anything, Stevie. But I will do my best to help you in any way I can." I set my cards down now. All my attention was on him.

He took a deep breath

"How would you feel about going to the movies with me tonight?"

I smiled. That's what he was nervous about? He's nice, and cute, and tall. What's not to like?

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

He sighed in relief. I laughed at him.

"So tonight at 5 o'clock I'll pick you up." He asked.

I nodded. "You don't have to be so nervous around me, Steve. We're friends." I reached over and held onto his hand trying to reassure him.

"Yeah, we're friends."He mumbled then laughed a little. He seemed off.

After our card game I packed my bag and said my farewells to Steve. My dad was waiting outside. It seemed urgent.

"I have to go home now, Stevie." I hugged him tightly. My head resting on his chest. Stevie stroked my hair. Leaning down to rest his chin on my head.

"I see you later, Abigail." He whispered in my ear.

I grabbed my backpack and left the room. Walking out of my schools entrance and seeing my dad tapping his foot impatiently by our car.

"Abigail get in the car quickly please." My father held the car door open for me then got in the drivers seat himself.

"What's wrong, dad?"

"Jerome has broken out of Arkham."

"What?" I asked with a hint of worry in my voice. Secretly a part of me was happy that he got out.

"He broke out of Arkham along with others including Barbara." He was speeding a bit but not too much.

"So what does that have to do with me?"

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