Bipolar (Ian)

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Red or green? I thought as I looked through the produce section at the grocery store.

My boyfriend Ian was recently diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. So I figured he should eat right while on his medication.

I finished up my shopping. Settling on red apples instead of green and paid the cashier. Loading up groceries into my beat up pick up truck and going back to the Gallaghers place.

As I drove down the cold, snowy road. I had only one thing on my mind. Ian Gallagher. He went from just a normal attractive teen in Chicago to this depressed medicated young man in search for a will to live. It was sad to watch what he had become sometimes but I was willing to stand by him.

The only time I didn't was when he got angry. When he gets angry he tends to explode on everyone and everything around him. He nearly killed a man once. I wouldn't stand by him but I did try to reason with him.

As I pulled into the Gallagher home I noticed something was off. It seemed quiet. This house was never quiet. There was always at least a few people screaming throughout the house.

I grabbed my bag of groceries and walked onto the porch of their house. Knocking on their rusted security door. I waited a few moments before Carl opened the door for me.

Carl was at that age where he had passed burning Debbies dolls and had already gotten out of prison. He was different than other children. Not really any other way to describe him without being offensive.

"What's up, Sweetcheeks. Got something for me?"

"Not for you. Just for Ian and the baby." I replied.

"So why should I let you in?"

"Because..."I trailed off." I bought some beer. You can have a few if you want just let me in."

"Cool." He replied and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I said and set the bag of groceries down on the table." Where's Ian?" I asked Carl.

"In our room with Mickey."

"Milkovich?" I asked curiously.

"Who else?"

I sighed and walked upstairs to his room. The closer I got the louder the strange noise got. There was banging and grunting. Were they beating each other up? Knowing Mickey Milkovich they probably were.

Suddenly scared for Ian's life I burst through the door.

"Ian are you-!" I gasped.

Ian was in bed with Mickey doing you know what. Never would I have guessed that these two would be doing this together. I guess whenever Ian and I were together it was all just fake. Why do I even try so hard?

"Shit- Anne. Wait don't leave!" Ian called out as I walked away.

I just kept walking. Wanting all this to go away. I wish I would have never met him. Gosh this was just a waste of time.

"Anne!" Ian grabbed my wrist as I was about to walk out the front door.

"Don't touch me!" I yelled at him and ripped my hand away.

"It's not like that Anne. It was a mistake. It won't happen again. I promise you it was a mistake."

"Fuck off, Ian Gallagher." My voice cracked. I hated when that happened.

"Don't leave."

"Leave me the hell alone, bastard!" I pushed him roughly away.

There was a fire in his eyes and he slapped me to the floor. My back sliding down the wall.

I put so many hours into this relationship. Making sure he was fed and took his medicine and always had someone to talk to. He was never alone. Even when I was gone. If he was scared all he would have to do was call me. I would get out of bed at 3 o'clock in the morning and comfort him.

I knew he didn't take his meds. If he would have taken them he wouldn't be acting like this right now. He would be the usual sweet Ian. But now he was the manic destructive Ian no one wanted to be around.

Now here I was sitting at his feet. Beaten like a dog. Him above me with fire in his eyes. His fists clenched coming down on me. Over and over again. In a messy fashion. I curled into a ball trying to protect me head and chest.

Then all of a sudden it was over. It was dark. I was dreaming. Of nothing in particular really. Or of everything.

When you dream minutes feel like seconds. And hours feel like minutes. That's how it felt for me. One minute I was sleeping the next I was waking up. Groggily and in pain.

Whispers of people around me. Of many people. Slowly I sat up. Looking around there stood everyone. Fiona, Lip, Carl, Kevin, Debbie, even little Liam.

"Sit up slowly."Lip tried to help me sit up.

I felt highly uncomfortable. Everyone was around me. Staring at me. I didn't know if the pittied me, or hated me, or whatever they were feeling.

"Do you know where Ian went?" Fiona asked me.

I shook my head no.

"No, last thing I remember was him uh...," I trailed off.

"It okay. Carl, Debbie, and Lip. Can you stay here with her? Kev, can you help me look for Ian?"

"Sure," he nodded sadly.

Fiona left out of the house with Kevin. Leaving me here with everyone else.

"I need to go home."I tried to get up but couldn't.

"You shouldn't be moving too much." Lip said.

"I need to go home." I said firmly. I just wanted to cuddle up with my momma in bed and never leave her arms.

"Like I said. Your bleeding. We need to take care of you first then-" I cut him off.

"If you don't take me home I'll go myself. But I'd rather it be the first way."

"Okay. That's fine." He whispered. Staring at me with his big blue eyes.

"Debbie stay here and watch Liam. Carl get the door."

Carl nodded.

Lip came over and helped me stand up. It hurt so bad. I tried not to cry out. I just ended up crying into my wrist.

"Its okay." Lip whispered and pulled me into his chest.

"What did I do?" I asked Lip.

I've been a good girlfriend. I took care of him. Comforted him. Helped him. Helped his family. And what I get in return is a good beating.

"You didn't do anything. He's just fucked up in the head." He tried to calm me down.

I nodded and pulled away from him. Wiping my tears away.

"Come on." He wrapped his arm around my a waist and helped me walk to my truck. He put me in the passenger seat and jumped in the driver's and we headed off. Back to my home. Where I belonged.

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