Best friends (Cameron Monaghan)

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Cameron had always been my best friend. Even when we were small children we were friends. As we got older I started to develop feelings for him but I never told him. He dated some bleach blonde cheerleader named Jessica with a bad attitude. Jessica only dated him because he was becoming a big actor. She never liked me and she didn't like Cameron hanging out with me. So he stopped hanging out with me as much. Over time our friendship faded. I had to move on too. I couldn't sit there and be miserable about someone I couldn't have. So I dated this guy named Dallas. He was tally do dreamy and had a beard and mustache and long brown wavy hair. He was kind at first but he started to get jealous and mean.

"Did you make dinner yet?"Dallas asked me. He was leaning back in a chair smoking a cigarette.

"No," I said. I put my head down and let my blonde waves fall in front of my face.

"Why not?" he was getting really angry now

"I just got home from work I'm tired."

"So did I. You're the woman so you go cook." he had gotten up from his chair now and got close to me.

"Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I have to cook for you, "I said trying to stand up to him for once.

He slapped me across the face making me fall the ground on my knees.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again!" he screamed at me.

I started to stand up but he kicked me in the ribs making my gasp and fall to the floor. He climbed on top of me and started punching me everywhere.

"Stop!"I managed to yell.

He ripped my dress open rubbing his hands all over my breasts and kissing my neck. I heard him unbuckling his belt and saw that his legs were open so I kicked him in the nuts. He groaned and rolled over on his side holding his crotch. I took this opportunity to run out the door.

I ran until I couldn't run anymore and collapsed on a park bench. Tears were streaming down my face along with blood.

"Willow is that you?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I sat up and looked to my right. There stood my ex-best friend who threw away our friendship for a blonde bimbo. Cameron Monaghan.

"What do you want?"I asked angrily.

"You're bleeding and your dress is ripped."

"Why do you care?"

"We're friends. I care about you."

"We used to be friends. Until you threw away our friendship for a blonde Bimbo who's only with you for your money."

"I just want to help you."

"I don't need your help."I started to get up but gasped in pain because my ribs hurt so much.

"Who did this to you?"

"My boyfriend."I looked down in embarrassment.

"You should have called me," he said and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

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