Circus Freak Part 2

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After that night with Jerome I wasn't allowed to go anywhere except to school, home, and occasionally my dad's work.

I've also changed quite a bit too. I'm no where near as cheerful and kind as I was before. Why would I be? So I could get stepped on again? No that's not for me. I hardly talk to anyone anymore. Even less than I used to before. I don't even talk to my dad anymore. He's usually not home.

I just feel so alone. The only person I could talk to was Barbara but she's a looney now. When kids would pick on me she used to go down there and scare them. It was really cool of her. She wasn't even my mom and she did that. But let me tell you she was better than mine.

Anyways, getting off that emotional rollercoaster down memory lane, I was currently doing my homework while Lee was home for some reason. She was like cooking or something. I don't know. It was probably for her and Jim anyways. I'll just pretend I'm sleeping. I don't need her pity food.

There was a knock on my door suddenly. It was Leslie.

"Hey, Abigail, I'm going to meet up with your dad at the police station." Lee said.

I said nothing.

"Abigail, did you here me?"

I said nothing.

"Abigail, listen, I know things have been hard. Your parents divorcing, Jim breaking up with Barbara, the incident at the Circus. But I'm here for you. If you need to talk I'm here." Lee was a kind person. You could tell. I just wasn't in the mood to pour my feelings out.

Lee sat on my bed as I read my book and ignored her.

"I know that lately Jim hasn't been fair to you. Frankly, I told Jim that I think he's wrong for how he's treating you. But he thinks a harsh punishment is best. He's your father not me so I can't argue. I just want all of us to be a family. That's why I'm going to be honest with you right now and tell you something Jim told me not to tell you. Because I care about your feeling." Lee took a breath and started again."Jim has Jerome in police custody for the murder of his mother."

I closed my book and looked up.


"Jim thinks that Jerome killed his mother. That's why he made you wait in the car while he looked over the 'accident' the day at the Circus."

"How could you not tell me sooner?"I gasped.

"Jim didn't want you to know. But I care about you and I'm going out on a limb for you here. Risking everything to make you feel something again." Lee seemed worried/frustrated. Her niceness is confusing.

"Take me down there right now." I almost yelled and jumped up from my bed.

"Abigail, you know I can't."

"Please Lee. I know you think he's a killer but we connected that day. He couldn't have done it. He wouldnt!"

"I don't know, Abby."

"Please Lee. I'll be nice again I promise just let me see him." I start to tear up. Lee can't deny me when I cry.

"Ok. But don't cause a scene and only for a second. Then your back in the car."

"Thank you, Lee. I love you!" I hugged her.

She hugged me too.

I basically ran to the car and she drove us to the police station. I followed Lee to where they were holding Jerome. He was in a room with an old guy. I guess they haven't questioned him yet.

"Lee, can I see him?"

"From the outside. Not personally."

I huffed and watched him through the one way glass.

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