Your Mine (Jerome) part 5

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When my mom took me home she wouldn't let me out of her sight. She would constantly check up on me asking me if I needed this or wanted that. I didn't mind though. It was nice to be around her. Especially after being away for so long I missed home.

I would wonder sometimes what Jerome was doing. Whether he was torturing his latest victim or just laying around thinking about me. I hoped he wasn't. After what he did to that poor woman I can't stand him.

Well I can't stand what he does. I have to admit he is good looking. But it doesn't make up for what he did.

"Daisy! Sweetheart I'm going out to get a dress for the children's hospital gala tomorrow. I'll be back in an hour or two."

"OK mom!" I shouted from my bedroom.

My family is very rich you see and tomorrow were going to a gala. My father works in some big company I don't know the name of. I never really cared to learn it either. He's a horrible man. Yells at me over stuff I didn't do. Luckily my mom always defends me. But worst of all at night he comes in my room and touches me. Nobody knew.

There was a sudden knock at my door. Hoping it wasn't who I thought it was. Hoping it was my savior to free me from this horrid place. But that would never happen.

"Hey sweetheart,"my step father stepped in. He would always try to do sweet to me whenever he did this. But after a few days he would just go back to being a prick.

I didn't say anything.

He sat on my bed. Rubbing up and down my leg. "How do you feel?"

I tried to scoot away from him." I feel great."

"That's good to hear after you know what happened."he said moving his hand closer to my private area.

I squirmed away. Hating the way he touched me.

"Come on you'll like it." I never liked it all the other times why would I like it now.

"No!"I yelled at him and jumping up. For once standing up for myself.

I was standing at one side of the bed and him at the other. I tried to bolt out the door but he is a lot stronger me. He could easily hold me down.

John held me down to the bed with his knees and ripped my shirt open. From there he felt me up with one hand and put his hand up my school skirt trying to pull down my panties.

Luckily, I managed to knee him in the crotch. This allowed me to run out the door and down the hallway. But he was catching up to me. It had never gotten out of hand like this. Usually he would just come into my room and touch me and make me touch him. But it never happened like this. He was never this violent.

I was terrified the farther down the hallway I got the darker it got. We lived in a mansion. Passed down from generations to generations John would always say. It was a bit creepy to live in.

Suddenly I felt a tug on my hair. Of course it was John. He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled me down the hallway back into my room. Throwing me on the bed. He continued to punch me and kick me to make sure I stayed down.

"I'm not playing anymore little girl."he said while unbuckling his pants.

"Please I won't tell mom. Just let me go, please."I said while crying.

"You see I have a thing for sweet little girls. Especially sweet little sexy girls like you."

He pulled my bottom off the bed. I was still kicking and screaming. Moving my panties aside and rubbing it in between my legs. That's the last thing I remember before I passed out from the pain. It never hurt with Jerome. Jerome was not gentle. But he never hurt me a lot.

When I woke up I saw Jerome standing over my father's body. He was grinning menacingly. I looked in between my legs. There I saw blood and white gooey stuff.

Jerome looked at me. There was a look of sorrow on his face.

He slowly walked towards me and sat on the bed next to me. He didn't say anything he just held my hand and let me cry into his chest. Gentle, he held my head to his chest. We stood like that for thirty minutes before I came up.

"Is he dead?"I asked.

"Well I beat him up pretty bad so I think."he said unsurely.

It was quiet for a long time.

"Jerome I wanted to thank you for everything."

"Eh. It's cool." he shrugged

I shook my head. "No it's not. For the longest time I've been hating you. I hate that you kill people. I hate what you do. Hell I even told Jim Gordon to kill you. But deep inside I think I actually like you."I said. I was waiting for laughter but it never came.

"I like you too." he said.

I looked into his eyes and for once he didn't look crazy or murderous. He looked normal. But only for a second.

He jumped up off the bed.

He held his hand out for me to take."Come on let's get out of here."

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