Circus Freak 4

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There is smut ahead. If you don't like it then turn back!

I woke up in bed. Not my bed but a foreign one. It had velvet linen and a plush comforter. For a second I thought I was home before realization hit and I remembered what happened. My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. Jerome had taken me and he hurt Stevie.

Stevie was a good person and even though I'm sure we wouldn't be together forever that doesn't mean I wish any bad upon him.

Jerome made my stomach flutter and my heart race but I don't know if I could put up with the killing. Killing people with kids and families just made me feel sick.

As if on cue the door to the room burst open and there stood Jerome Valeska. I gasped and sat up quickly looking around. I was scared but I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

"Where am I, Jerome?"

"You're safe my dear. You're in Theo Galavan's humble apartment."

I had heard of Theo Galavan but only by word of mouth. He's successful and famous but I don't know much about him.

"Why did you bring me here?"

He crept over to me. I wasn't scared though. I had a feeling he wouldn't hurt me.

"To finally be able to be together." He whispered huskily in my ear sending shivers down my back.

"Jerome, I have a family. My dad is probably sick with worry. You can't do this."

His rough hands grabbed my throat and pulled me close. He wasn't squeezing, just holding me in place.

"I can do whatever I want, baby. What are you or anyone else going to do about it?"

I didn't respond. I only looked away and closed my eyes.

"Oh come on, baby, look at me with those innocent eyes."

I stared deep into his eyes as he asked. There was something different about him. He was different from the Jerome I met at the circus. His eyes were off. When I met him they were green-blue and now they're a deep blue. It's almost as if all the humans left and now he's just a monster.

"What happened to the sweet boy I knew at the circus?" I asked.

He chuckled and slowly crawled on top of me.

"Oh, that boy is long gone."

Jerome's hands slid up my arms and to my hair. He gave it a tug and I gasped. My neck was now exposed to him and he took this chance to lick and kiss my throat.

"You know sugar plum, there are no beautiful women in Arkham. Just old hags and Barbara. And I'm not really into her." He continued to kiss my neck and even traveling down to my chest. "You really are gorgeous." He ripped open the top of my dress leaving me exposed to the cold air.

My hands found my way to his head and I tugged on it a bit.

"Oh baby girl, pull it harder." He ordered.

I did as he told me but I didn't want to hurt him so I refrained from doing so.

"Harder." He commanded.

I tugged just the slightest bit harder.

"Now slap me."

"Jerome, I don't..." he cuts me off.

"Do it!" He yells in my face.

I slap him but gently. He grabs me by the throat tighter than before.

"Do it."

I start to push and claw at his face. Anything to get him to stop. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

"That's enough." He let go of my neck and I gasped. Sucking in as much air as I could.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I really do like you, baby girl, but you have to listen to me if you want to stick around."

I pulled my knees up to my chest and set my head on my legs. I should have listened to my dad that day at the circus. Jerome was bad news. I thought he cared but he just attacked me.

"What did you do to Stevie?" I asked

"Stevie? Who's that?"

"The boy I was with."

"Oh him!" He inched forward, " I set him on fire in the parking lot."

"What? I gasped.

"Why? Did you care about him?" He mocked at me.

I let out a sob. He was my best and only friend. He was there when no one else was.

"Calm down, baby. Are you really that into him?"

I only sobbed louder. He put his hands on my shoulders but I jerked away from him. I didn't want him to touch me right now.

"Relax, I didn't kill him."

My sobbing slowed down a bit. What did he mean? Was this some sick prank that he thought was funny?

"What do you mean?

"I just said that to test you."

"I don't understand."

"Now I know that if you ever act up, I know who to come after."

"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you think this is funny? Keeping me locked up in this stuffy room and playing with my emotions like I don't mean anything to! Is this your way of showing people that you like them? Huh?" I yelled in his face. He smirked down at me as I banged my fists against his chest.

His hand grabbed ahold of mine. He looked deep into my eyes.

"You're the only person around I care about. Don't get that mixed up." With that, he pulled me into a deep kiss. It was hot and messy.

His lips found their way to my chest as his hands traveled up to my chest. At this point, he wasn't playing anymore. He began to rip off my clothes and suck on my nipples. I've never felt such pleasure before. It was almost overwhelming. Almost as if I might explode.

His hands traveled down to my waist and pulled my dress up so it was rolled up at my stomach.

"Oh, baby, your gonna love this."

He slid his fingers deep between my legs. His way of lovemaking wasn't love at all. It was like being attacked in the most pleasurable way possible.

He was almost savage-like as he licked between my legs. In just a few short minutes, my legs were shaking from my very first orgasm.

"What was that, Jerome?"

"That was an orgasm, baby, and that was just the beginning."

He pulled his monstrous length out of his pants. I gulped at the size. I don't think I'll be able to take him.

"Jerome, that's too big. I've never done this before."

"Oh, it'll fit. You'd be surprised how elastic a woman's pussy is."

He pressed his tip at my entrance and slowly pushed. He gave me some time to adjust.

"Oh my god, Jerome, you're huge!" I gasped and shook underneath him.

"Relax, baby, it'll get better."

"Are you sure?


He slowly pressed his length into my womanhood. It hurt at first. But then it slowly got better. After a while, I was begging him to speed up and fuck me harder.

"Jerome, I'm going to cum."

"Then cum baby. I want to feel you clenching on my cock."

I let out a loud moan as I released on him. He didn't stop though. He wasn't finished yet. He continued to pound into me until he came inside me.

"That was great, baby, " he gasped.

"I've never done that before, " I said.

"You were great. Don't worry about it."

I smiled and snuggled into his chest but I got this feeling like something was going to go wrong and soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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