Jealousy(Ian) Part 1

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I breathed in the chilling air of Chicago winter while I walked down the sidewalk hand in hand with my boyfriend Ian Gallagher. We weren't official yet. Not many people knew but he was the love of my life. We met by bumping into each other walking down the street. I know it kind of seemed like a cliche. But we don't care.

"Wanna go back to my place and watch a movie or something?"Ian said.

"Sure. I've been dying to see Liam again."

He smiled and pecked my cheek.

After about 20 minutes of walking through the thick snow, we finally arrived at the Gallagher house. Ian pulled out his keys and opened the door for me letting me go first. As soon as I stepped in I heard a bit of ruckus coming from the kitchen and Carl was watching tv. Not moving a muscle to see who just came in.

"Hi Carl," I said

"Hi," he said in his usual bored sounding voice.

I saw Liam playing with some toys on the floor right next to carl so I squatted down next to him.

"Hi, Liam!"I said in a playful voice.

Liam smiled at me and continued to play with his trucks. Paying me no mind.

"I'm going to put on the movie. Can you get the drinks."Ian asked.


I got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen to grab a beer and a soda.

"I didn't know you drank."I heard a voice behind me making me jump in surprise. It was Lip. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright. I was just grabbing Ian a beer."

He nodded his head and walked closer to me. Nearly pinning me against the refrigerator door.

"Would you maybe want to go hang out later today?"

What was I supposed to say? I was with Ian. I felt so nervous I wanted to throw up.

"Um, actually I have plans."

"Really? Where are you going?"

My heart was racing.

"Um, family stuff."

He nodded his head. Not buying it.

"I think you want to go out with me but you're just afraid." He tilted my chin up so I could look in his eyes. He tried to kiss me but I moved away.

"Hey Adeline did you get the drinks," Ian said and suddenly came into the kitchen.

Ian's expression when he saw us broke my heart. It was a mixture of sadness, rage, and confusion.

"Ian." I managed to whisper.

"I just came here to get a beer," he said and tried to pull it off as nothing happened.

He turned around and went back to the living room. I followed him.

"Ian I'm sorry," I said and grabbed ahold of his hand.

He ignored me.

"I wasn't into it. I would never hurt you. You know that."

He pulled his hand away from mine and sat down on the couch and continued to watch tv.

I knew when I wasn't wanted anymore so I grabbed my bag and left. I just wish I would have told him to go away or something. But I didn't want to be mean.

I walked back home. If you could call it that. And went straight up to my bedroom before my dad could yell at me. I laid on my bed contemplating what just happened. I realized by not hurting Lip's feelings I hurt Ian's even more.

Knock knock.

It was my dad.

"Hi, sweetie." He often got drunk and would touch me. I never told anyone. Not even Ian.

He got on top of me. And I blacked out. Trying to space out from all the pain and sadness. When he was done. I sat there curled up with messy hair and ripped clothing. Sobbing. Was life even worth it anymore? What was the point? Ian. The love of my life hated me. And my dad damaged me for good.

Knock knock

I didn't look up because it was probably my dad.

"Adeline."I heard Ian whisper.

I didn't want him to see me like this.


"What happened to you?"

I didn't say anything

"Why are you bleeding?"

I sat there playing with the lint on my blanket.

"Did your dad hurt you?"

I nodded.

"Did he..." he trailed off. I knew what he meant.

"Why do you care? You hate me."I sobbed.

"I don't hate you. I came over here to apologize."

He was at the foot of my bed now. He reached out to touch me but I scrambled back.

"Here cover yourself." he wrapped a blanket around me.

He walked out the door and shut it. I guess that's the last I'll hear from him.

There was a loud bang and a lot of breaking glass coming from outside my door. Then Ian came back in.

"He should be passed out for a while." He said.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I love you." I didn't think after what happened he wouldn't even remotely like me.

He grabbed some clothes and helped me put them on. Since my underwear is bloody he had to help me change them too.

"What do we do know?"I asked him.

"We're going back to my place. I'm not letting you stay here."

"I don't know. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. But maybe I'll just go to a shelter."

" I can take care of you."

"I can take care of myself."

"Really that's not what it looked like back there."

My heart dropped.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't mean it."

I turned around and left. Not looking back.

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