Bipolar Part 2 (Ian)

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As soon as I got home I was carried upstairs by Lip and set on my bed. My momma wasn't home. She was working her nursing shift. But right now I needed her and I couldn't have her. It was the worst feeling ever.

"Do you need me to stay with you?" Lip asked me.

I wanted to say no because I didn't want to bother him but the truth is I just needed a shoulder to cry on.

"I'll be alright I think."I said unsurely.

"Are you sure? It's okay to need help every once in a while. Especially when such a fucked up thing happened to you."

I rubbed my bruises and slightly winced.

"I'll be okay. I mean you guys have helped enough. I don't want to bother you. Plus, you should get home and take care of baby Liam. He needs you."

Lip shook his head." He doesn't need me. He has Carl and Debbie."

"I'm really fine. It's okay."

Lip lifted up my chin to look him deeply in his gorgeous blue eyes. The sight of him was intoxicating. I could watch him all day and never get bored.

"It's okay to need help and be sensitive. You don't need to bottle it all up and put everyone before you. Like you were doing when you took care of Ian. Putting his needs before yours. But that's what makes you so beautiful. You're such a kind person and don't even realise it."

Lip was coming in closer and closer to where our lips barely touched before I pulled away. I couldn't do this. My whole body ached and I just wanted to cry. I didn't need a relationship right now. I needed to worry about myself and go to college and have a healthy life. Ian was my past and I needed to let that part of my life go.

"I'm sorry,"Lip said.

"It's fine."

"No really, you've been through a lot tonight and I shouldn't do this to you,"

"Maybe we should just be friends and hang out you know,"I suggested.

"Ya that would be great. I'll check up on you tomorrow."

I nodded.

He nodded his head awkwardly and left.

I relaxed my body suddenly. It was weird having him look at me after I had just gotten beaten. It was like he pittied me or something and I didn't want to be pittied. I didn't need that. I just needed my momma and to get my life on track.

I laid back in my bed and started to drift off. But I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Momma?"I call out hoping it was her. But it was a little too early for her to be back. It must be Lip then.

I couldn't have been more wrong. There he was standing in my doorway looking at me with his pitiful face. I instantly screamed in terror hoping someone would hear and help me.

Ian rushed over to me and covered my mouth.

"Stop screaming! I just came to apologize!" He yelled.

I squirmed and cried. His fingernails were digging into my face. They would surely leave marks.

The more he held my mouth down and hurt me the more I screamed out of pain and terror.

"Stop squirming."he yelled and slapped my face.

Tears streamed down my face and I was terrified.

"I'm sorry baby. I never meant to hurt you. I love you. I'm just so fucked up from the medication I just don't know what's going on anymore."

I was still squirming and crying and he was still holding my face down.

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