Your Mine (Jerome) Part 3

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I've been here for about a week and I've started to lose hope on getting out of here. I've barely eaten anything and you could notice too. Jerome has tried to get me to eat more but I just push it away. I've realized I kind of like Jerome. And I would like to be with him. But that's not possible as long as we're here.

"Come on Daisy it's time to eat," Jerome said. He had a bowl of soup in on a tray along with a glass of juice.

"I don't want to."

"Well you have to." his face darkened when he said that.

He scared me. One minute he could be laughing then the next minute he would yell at me because I made a small mistake. But I could still find it in my heart to forgive him. Maybe it was his good looks.

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to do." it didn't come out as imitating as I wanted it to. I had a sweet voice that was very soft and raspy so it came out nice sounding.

"You will do as I say." he started to crawl on top of me. "Do you understand?"

I nodded quickly because I was so scared. And he burst out laughing. I'm guessing it was because of my reaction.

"Did you see your face?" He was laughing so hard his face was flushed.

"No, I didn't, "I said sassily.

His smile dropped.

"Don't get sassy," he said. "Now eat your food."

I ate a couple of bites then pushed the bowl away. He had a satisfied look on his face.

"Well now that your done..." he trailed off." We can have some fun." He was starting to crawl on top of me.

I tried to think fast as to what I would do to get him off me. It's not that I didn't want him. It's just that I've never done it before. As soon as he put his hands on my waist to pull down my pants I spoke up.

"If you do this your no better than Greenwood."

He stopped and looked up at me with a questioning look.

"What do you mean by that, honeybun."

"I mean that this is something Greenwood would do and if you do it then it shows that's your really not the boss."

He put his hand around my throat squeezing a little but not enough to cut off my air entirely.

"Look here, little girl. I'm the boss. And Greenwood is merely a peasant waiting around for my orders. And I will never be compared to the likes of him."

"I know he is only here to please you. I just wanted to point out that it was something a peasant would do."I stood on my tippy toes and pulled him down so I could whisper in his ear. "And you're the king."

He smiled and lifted me up off my feet. And gave me a rough kiss on the mouth.

"I like it when you say it." he chuckled. "Say it again."

"You're the king."

He threw his head back with laughter. Then the next thing I know I'm being thrown on a bed. And Jerome was on top of me.

"And you're my queen." He said softly. In a way, he never has before. Then he pressed his lips to mine. And this time I kissed back.

He didn't stop there. He kissed all down my neck and then down to my chest. I felt him try to pull off my top but I stopped him.

"I've never..."I trailed off.

"You've never done this before." He whispered softly.

I shook my head.

"Well don't worry I'll be gentle."

I couldn't believe it. I was falling in love with him. A man who murders people in brutal ways. And I loved him.


He kissed slowly down my neck until he reached my breasts. For a deranged killer, he sure was gentle. I helped him pull off his shirt and he helped me with mine. As soon as he started to touch my breasts I realized what was happening. I was going to have sex for the first time, and to add the that; with a murderer.

I started to panic. Maybe I shouldn't do this. Maybe I should wait. Is he really the man I want to give my virginity to?

"Don't be nervous," he said in a tone I've never heard from him before. It was soft and soothing. Not loud a rough.

For some reason I trusted him. So I went along with him.

Once we had removed all of our clothes Jerome kissed down my body until he reached my pussy. Teasing me first. Kissing my pubic mound and finally kissing my clit making me gasp and grab his hair.

He lifted his head up.

"Have you ever touched yourself?" he asked me. I could hear the lust in his voice.

"Um... only once but then I was worried that my mama would find out so I stopped."

"Well your mother isn't here now is she."

I shook my head no. My cheeks were red as tomatoes now.

"I want you to touch yourself."

I was shocked.

"Before I fuck you I want you to be nice and wet so I don't hurt you."

I nodded my head and reached my hand down and started by rubbing over my slit and lips gently before going inside and rubbing my clit. Since I've never done this before I came in a couple of minutes. I laid there out of breath and sweaty.

Jerome crawled up to me and grabbed my left hand and licked my fingers. Looking me dead in the eyes. Then he kissed me so I can taste myself.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded.

He pushed himself into me. I had to admit that it hurt more than I expected it to. I thought my first time would be romantic and gentle. But instead, it was lustful and extremely intense.

He must have lost control of himself because he started to pound really fast.

"Jerome slow down it hurts."

"I'm sorry babe. You just feel really good."

He slowed down and waited until I was ready to go faster before he sped up. And when I was it felt amazing, like nothing I've ever felt before. He just kept pounding me into the mattress. Until all of a sudden, a wave of pleasure ran through me making me grasp the sheets and scream his name. Jerome kept going making my orgasm last longer. Until he pulled out and came over my stomach.

He gave me one last kiss before he rolled over next to me. We laid there for a while out of breath until he got up and rummaged through the dresser drawers. He pulled out a police uniform.

"Put this on. We're going out."

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