Your Mine (Jerome) Part 4

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I put on the baggy police officer's uniform and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked tired and hungry. Which I was. If I could go back in time and not go to school that day I would. But I wouldn't have met Jerome. I know it sounds really pathetic that I was falling in love with the guy who kidnaped me but there was something about him that I was attracted to.

My mama never let me go out with boys. She said I wasn't old enough. Especially the bad ones. She said they only wanted one thing. I guess mama was right after all.

Suddenly there was a bang on my door. I knew it was probably Jerome since he's the only one I talk to. He burst through the doors and walked over to the bathroom where I was at.

"You look gorgeous." He said and spun me around. He was wearing the same outfit I was wearing.

"I don't feel gorgeous."

His face went blank.

"How could you even say that?"

"I'm too skinny and I look tired," I said while looking down at my shoes.

"Well, that's what make-up is for."

He grabbed a make-up brush and some make-up and applied some blush to my cheeks to make me look healthier. It didn't really help.

"See. All better. You look amazing. Now let's go."

He guided me by my hand down to a truck where they tied me up. I thought we were finally opening up to each other and becoming closer. But I guess I was wrong.

"Where are we going?" I asked Jerome.

"We're going down to the GCPD." Greenwood replied.


Greenwood smiled at me." You'll see."

After a couple of minutes, the truck stopped and Jerome untied me.

"When I tell you to walk in there act natural. Like you have a purpose for being there."

Jerome put a gun in the holster and my eyes widened.

"Are you actually going to use that?

He laughed.

"Of course I am!"

My heart started racing. I didn't want anyone to die. What if he expected me to kill someone? What if that's why he brought me here.

Jerome came around my side of the door and untied me. He took me by my hand and helped me out of the car. Then gave me a gun.

"I don't want to shoot anyone." I sobbed.

"Stop crying, honey. Before you know it you'll be killing people and not be feeling a thing. Well, nothing besides the rush you get when you hack someone's face in."

I cried and shook my head. He wiped to tears from my face.

"We can't have you walking into the GCPD crying."

I stopped crying and tried to calm down.

Jerome let go of my hand and walked straight into the GCPD. Soon after. Greenwood grabbed the back of my neck and shoved me threw the doors of the police department. As soon as we got threw the doors there were gunshots so I ducked down and curled into a fetal position. Hoping I wouldn't get shot. The gunfire went down a bit so I looked up and saw Greenwood dead on the floor. Finally.

Cameron Monaghan One Shots.Where stories live. Discover now