Monster (Jeremiah Valeska)

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This Story was requested by HarleyxJerome.

You might recognize Jeremiah as the crazy, emotionless guy who is trying to destroy the city. You'd be crazy to even get near him on purpose. It was crazy of me to get near him too. Not that I ment to. He kind of kidnapped me. You see I used to go to school with him. We used to date. He was smart and shy but all around cute. Until his hair turned green and he went insane. After that I tried to get as much space as possible between us.

He's always been weird though. Very jittery like someone was going to sneak attack him. After I found out who his brother is, you can't blame him?

I don't know what made him change. We started growing apart not too long ago. He was working as an engineer and I wanted to pursue medicine. But his sudden fascination with his brother really started giving me the creeps so I left and hid. In case he was an axe murderer. Turns out he's worse. He literally wants to blow me up. Can you believe it? The audacity of some people? I'm telling you.

Yeah, so like, I totally don't trust him and right now I'm pretty sure I'm unconscious because he knocked me out and kidnapped me. I'm going to keep sleeping because I don't want to wake up and face reality. Especially when reality has green hair and wants to torture you. I'm not into it. I'd rather not.

I'll keep telling you about myself for now.

My name is Ella. I'm nineteen years old and I graduated high school early. Just like Jeremiah. We met in college. He was shy and kind and I was socially awkward just like him so we clicked.

I didn't know much about his personal life other than he was adopted. He was a secretive man for the most part. I on the other hand poured my soul out to him. My dreams, my ambitions, he knew everything about me. He knew that when you first meet me I'm shy and easy going. But when I get comfortable around you, I come out of my shell and I can have fun.

Maybe that's the thing he liked about me the most? The fact that I was so easy to control. For example, one time we were trying to choose what we wanted to do for a date. I wanted a picnic. It felt more romantic than his choice of the movies and then him just dropping me off at home. We wouldn't have time to talk or connect. He didn't like the idea of a picnic. So he just got really angry.

That day was also the first time he laid his hands on me. But I thought my parents hit me and they love me. Look how well I turned out.

After he hit me he started sobbing and hugging my waist. He told me he would never do it again and I believed him. Life went on for a while and we were happy. He took me wherever I wanted to go. He showed me so much attention that I loved him more than ever.

Until it started up again. He got more and more abusive as time went by. It started with just a smack and it ended with beatings. When I tried to leave he would beat me. When I hung out with friends he would beat me. I couldn't handle it anymore so I ran away while he slept. And I hid where I thought he couldn't find me.

In the end here I am. I'm pretending to still be unconscious. If your first impression of me was that I was sassy. You'd be wrong. I'm scared to death right now. I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen all I know is thst I might die right now.

There was a sudden bang. And with that bang I heard doors open. 

My heart was racing but I pretended to sleep.

"Wake up, Ella," a familiar yet creepy voice said.

I stood very still.

"Come on little Ella, wake up!" He raised his voice in the slightest.

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