Monster Part 2

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As a child I used to fantasize about my knight in shining armor coming and taking me away. I'm sure every little girl did. But not every little girls parents hit them and called them names. I used to be chubby. They'd call me porky, and fatty, anything to drop my self esteem really. The only person I could talk to was our housekeeper, Gloria. Once my mom saw us hugging and laughing so she fired Gloria.Without even blinking an eye. My life hit an all time low. And I starved myself to try to make my parents happy. But after I lost all the weight they just found something else to pick on me about.

I met Jeremiah years later and I though he would be the one to rescue me from the hell I was living. In the end he only made my life worse.

And there he was. Standing in my doorway staring at me. He wasn't like his brother. His brother would cackle and probably shoot you. Jeremiah on the other hand stared. He never smiled anymore. Not after his skin turned white and his hair green. I never knew what happened to him.

I screamed and tried to slam the door closed. He of course over powered me and slammed the door open, grabbing me by my sweater.

"Ella, let me explain."He voice was calm but you could tell he was annoyed.

I screamed and kicked him in the groin. He hunched over and let me go. I ran around the house trying to get my housekeepers attention. Literally anybody's.

One of my housekeepers named Suzie heard me and ran over to me and asked me what was wrong. I was crying so much I could hardly make out the words.

"Grab the phone. Hide. Call 911." I barely made out the words before there was a gunshot.

When I looked down. There was a bullet in Suzies head. Her limp body fell to the floor. She laid in her own pool of blood. Brain matter splattered all over the mahogany floor. She had a husband and son. I wish I knew more about her. She didn't deserve this.

I quickly ran away. I had to get away from all of my staff I couldn't have them being shot. Not like Suzie. No more innocent people would die for me. I had to do this on my own. I ran around my house looking for a phone. I found one in my office.

I grabbed the phone and hid under the desk. Dialing James Gordon's number. He didn't pick up so I called 911. I waiting. It rang and rang and no one picked up. I dialed again. Nothing. Finally for the third time they picked up.

"911. What is your emergency?"

"I need help. Jeremiah Valeska is in my house. He's trying to hurt me please. If you can send James Gordon."

"What is your location?"

"I live in Metropolis at 2645 South-" and that's all I got to say before I heard the door creak open.

"Ma'am are you still there?"

I wanted to say something but if I did I knew he would here me. My hand instantly went to my mouth. Tears streamed out of my eyes as I shook from fear.

"Ma'am stay on the line we are trying to find your address."

I sat there and didn't move. I was afraid to breathe. My heart raced so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest.

"How's it going down there, Ella?" Jeremiah suddenly poked his head out from the side of the desk.

I lead out a harsh scream and tried to run away. He grabbed me by my collar and threw me the ground, laying on top of me.

"Ella, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. That's the last thing I wanted. Please forgive me."

Again, I kicked him in the groin and rolled out from under him. Running out of my office and downstairs.

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