Chapter 15

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-2 years later-
"Mr. Im we had a meeting later at 3pm." My sacretary said. Well yes i'm inheriting my families bussiness. After Haeyeon left, i have no more motivation being an idol. I quite,now i'm inheriting my families bussiness. I look at the picture of Haeyeon and i on the table. "How have you been?" I said. I keep asking this question everyday after she left, she didn't contact any of us. We tried to reach her but she changed her number.

-flash back-
I went back to the dorm and sit on the couch. "Hyung what happen?" Jackson ask. "Haeyeon left, she is not coming back." I said. Everyone stop what they are doing gather around me. "She tried killing herself, but she survived. So she decide to leave." I said. I can't believe she did that. How could i not notice all the hard time she is going through. "I think it's time to let you know." Jr said. I look at him. "Hyung..." Youngjae tried to stop him but he did not stop.

"Remember her hand is hurt? She was bullied by Jisoo. She didn't want to let you know, she kept it and we promised her. She don't want to ruin your relationship." Junior said.

"Remember you accused her for hurting Jisoo? She didn't. She was set up by Jisoo. Jisoo cut herself and i saw it with my own eyes. But before she could defend herself you accused her." Youngjae said.

"She likes you, hyung. She was so upset when she knew you and Jisoo are together." Yugyeom said.

"Remember we went to the cafeteria with her late? She was cornered by Jisoo." Mark said.

I was stunned, for all the mistake i made, for all the small things i didn't notice. "This time she left is also because of Jisoo." I said, when i thought of what Mr. Kang told me. It's been month since i broke up, but why did she made a comosion about it. I was thinking of how wrong i was. The door bell rang. Mark went to open the door and a girl barge in. "Jaebum-yah" she said. My anger start to rise.

"You shouldn't be here." I said not looking at her. "Why not? I missed you already." She said with her joyful voice. I stood up walkig towards her. "With all the drama you made, for all the lies you made, for all the scar you left for Haeyeon, you're fooling me!" I stared right into her eyes. "You know what, if it's not because of you Haeyeon won't leave, nothing will ever happen!" I said with full anger.

"Jaebum," she called weakly with tears in her eyes. "Enough no more, just leave." I said turning my back on her and walk to my room. The boys sent her out. Haeyeon-ah, please come back, please forgive me.

After that i ignore Jisoo for the rest of the semester and i quite my job as an idol.
-end of flash back-

Until now there is guilt in me. Haeyeon, where are you exactly?
"Mr. Im they are here."

Haeyeon POV
Two years have passed. Well i had a beautiful life since i moved here. Just me, mom and grandma. All these years i studied at home then i took my public test in one of the school. Everything is pretty fine. There is no more Got7 in my life, Jisoo also.

Now i'm working as a sacretary of my cousin Byun Baekhyun. "Haeyeonnie, are you done?" He shouted from downstair. I look in the mirror for one last look and got my bag went down. "I'm done, whose the one we are having meeting with?" I ask. "The Im company, they are trying to convince us to partner up for their upcoming project. Well i thought why not give a try." He explain. I nodded.

It will be a 2hr ride to seoul. I look out the window enjoying the view. I was excited actually, it's been 2 years i haven't been there. "Oppa." I called. Suddenly a thought came to my mind. "Wae?"he ask focusing his drive. "Later, i'm your sacretary, call me Haeyeon and you are my boss, i'll call you Mr. Byun." I said. Cause he will always call me in formally forgetting we are working. He sigh, i know i said this for nth time. "Arraseo." He answer. I was tired so i went to sleep.

"Haeyeon-ah, wake up." He called. So i woke up and fixed myself. We went down the car and before we walk in,i reminded again. "Mr. Byun." I said signaling him. "Arraseo Haeyeon-sshi." He said and we walked in. "Good morning Mr. Byun, Mr.Im is ready to meet you." The sacretary said. "Great, let's go shall we." Baek said and theb sacretary led us to the meeting room.

"Good to see you Mr. Byun." A voice greet. Since i'm behind Baek i can't see his face but his voice was familiar. "This is my sacretary, Kang Haeyeon-sshi." Here comes Byun Baekhyun introducing me. Like goodness everytime, every meeting he would do this. When Baek move aside showing me, my eyes was locked with his. How is he here? "Haeyeon." He said. I just smile at him. "You know him?" Baek ask in my ears. "Shut up!" Whisper back. Jaebum then chuckle. "Shall we start?" Jaebum ask. Baek cleared his throat and stood up straight and fixed himself. "Of course." Baek said.

After all this time we met again. But why is he here shouldn't he suppose to be an idol. He was focus on explaining the project but at times i saw him steal glance at me. I was just recording what he said and was making a summary report for these presentation later for Baek. "That's nice, well done." Baek said in the end of the presentation.

"We'll contact you for further comfirmation." Baek said. "Sure take your time." Jaebum said. "Do you mind if i have a word with your sacretary?" Jaebum ask. Baek look at me for awhile then a smirk is formed on his rectangular mouth. "Not at all." He said turning back to him. "I'll be in the car." Baek said in my ears and left. Like really?! "Oppa!" I whispered shout but he continue walking back facing me waving his hand. "Shall we?" Jaebum geusture me to his office. With no choice i followed.

I was embraced with a big hug once i was in the office. "I missed you." Jaebum said. Just like the time we parted i lay my head on his chest and hug him back. How i really miss this.

"Where have you gone, it's a torture that we can't contact you." He said putting his chin on my crown. "I'm sorry." All i could say. "No i should be the one." He said. We broke the hug, he stare at me for a while. "You've become more pretty." He said caressing my face. He looks more handsome but tired. "Yea, with all the work i have here." He answered. Damn i just said it out loud.

I look at the clock, it's getting late i should go. "I need to go now. Nice to see you again." I said walking towards the door. "Wait, can i have your phone no.?" He ask. "If we meet again i'll give it to you." I said and walk out. I'm sure we are meeting again. Baek is intrested in this project.

When i enter the car the first thing i do was hit baekhyun on his arms. "Yah! It hurts!" He complained. "Good that you know." I said and pouted. "Is he the one that aunty was always talking about?" He ask like a kid. Yes my mom still talk about him. I look at baek as if ending his life with it. He gluped. "What i'm just asking." He said starting the enginee. "Yes," i said. "Not bad." He said. "What?" I ask. "Nothing..." he sing song and we are going back to Busan.

Jaebum POV
I will not let you go again Kang Haeyeon.

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