Chapter 24

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Haeyeon POV
Finally, i left that horrible place. I can't help but let my tears fall during the journey. Baek will glance at me once in a while during his drive. I used the ice pack to treat my swollen eyes. I don't want mom to see me like this. Of course you all are thinking how about work? I couldn't think much about it now. I know somehow dad will let Jisoo take over it so don't need to worry much.  "Haeyeon-ah, give sometimes to yourself don't need to force yourself." Baek try to comfort me. I just gave him a weak smile. I think i have worried him enough. "Please don't tell mom about it." I said. "Will do." He said and concentrate on his drive.

When we arrive, i look in the mirror to make sure that my eyes are not puffy. Lucky, its  not. My mom rush out to greet us once Baek turn off the car engine. "My dear, why are you back?" My mom ask and hug me tight. At that moment i wanted to cry but i hold it in. I can't worry her. Baek just silently taking out luggage from the car. "I'm tired, i think its better off working with baekhyun." I said holding up a smile. "Aigoo... let's come inside." My mom said and we went in the house. I greeted my grandmother. She was happy to see me. Then i try to be at my right mind state spend my time with them. I seems to forget what had happen. But then my phone rang.

Where are you? Can we talk babe?

After reading the message, i decide to ignore it. I have no mood to talk about it.  I went to help my mom in the kitchen to prepare dinner. "How is Seoul?" My mom ask out of the sudden. "Well, it's fine i guess?" I answer not sure what is the answer she want to hear. She just smile.
When dinner is ready we all sat down and eat. At this time, i feel home. I like it like that, it's better. We all laugh at the joke that baekhyun break out and he also share some intresting stories. I know baekhyun is trying to cheer me up.

"I'll do the dishes." I said. "No! That is my job." Baekhyun objected. "I'll do it." I insist. "No no no no." He protease. We two are at stupid fights again. "It's good to see these children fight." Grandma said and laugh at us. "Yea, it's been a while the house is quiet." Mom answer grandma. "Than let's do this together."  Baekhyun suggested. "Nah... you do it." I said at last, cause i actually felt lazy. "You little punk." Baekhyun said, he didn't believe what i just said. So i just laugh it off.  "I'll take a shower!" I said running upstair.

After a nice shower, i felt calm. I just lay on my bed , staring at the ceilling. "Hey." Baekhyun came in my room. I sit up and look at him. He could be funny at times, but when it comes to me and when we are alone, he is a caring and gentle brother. He could be a brother that every sister ask for. When it comes to work, he's serious with business. "I think you might need this?" He asked and handed me a phone. He is a saviour. I plan to buy a new number tomorrow, looks like i don't need anymore. "Thanks." I said and took the phone from his hand. "Then i'll take this." He took my phone from the table. I just nodded. "Then tomorrow, just rest okay? You can start working next week." Baekhyun said. "Oppa, i thought of going for a vaccation." I said. I need to have sometime alone. "Alright, up to you. Just tell me when you decide." He said with a warm smile. "Alright, good night." I said and he left my room.

I open up my laptop and search up for some interesting country to visit. Seeing all the beautiful pictures has lighten my mood. After long time of deciding, i choose Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Italy. Maybe these trips can make me feel better. I plan on staying in each country for 2 weeks. I'll tell Baek tomorrow.

Jaebum POV
After yesterday my mind was all covered with Haeyeon. Is she fine? Of course not, what am i thinking. I want to meet her but i didn't have the courage. I decide to pick her up from work so i called her office. "Hello, this is Ms. Kang's office may i help you." Bora answered. "Bora." I said not knowing how to ask. "Oh,  Mr. Im are you perhaps asking me to sign off for Miss Haeyeon?" She said in a teasing voice. So Haeyeon is not working today. "Ah, no, just i called Haeyeon she is not picking up so i called the office, she's not in?" I lied. "Oh... sorry but she didn't come today." She said in a sad tone. "Alright thanks." I said and hang up before she could. So i decide to text Haeyeon.

To: Haeyeon
Where are you? Can we talk babe?

She is not replying me. Is she ignoring me? All kind of thoughts just flash through my brain. Is she alright. Haeyeon ah... please contact me. When i reach home i losen my tie to let myself breath. Breathing? Am i? How do i breath when Haeyeon is not here? She is my oxygen.

"Jaebum ah there will be a shareholder meeting tomorrow at the Kang's" my dad said as i walk up the stairs. I just nodded. "You better get yourself together." My mom said strictly. Like i care. All i marrying is a crazy women. I sigh and continue to walk to my room.

When i reach my room i just slam down my bed. How? Is the only thing i need to answer. I turn to my side and look at my keyboard piano. "Haeyeon, i miss my music but it was nothing without you." I mumble. After a while i went for shower and eat dinner and go to bed. I can't sleep, Haeyeon is occupying all my brain and hearts. Where are you...?

The next morning has come. I'm nervous and excited cause i'm seeing Haeyeon in the company. I dress up neatly and look at the mirror for the last time to make sure nothing is wrong before i go meet Haeyeon. I excitedly drive all my way to the Kang's and when i enter i could see the front desk lady Rachel is really busy. Somehow looking her frowning with all the work i walk away without interrupting her. When i reach the conference room, Bora is standing by the door. I was nervous cause Haeyeon might be inside. But as i walk closer Bora's expression scares me, she is unhappy. "Bora, what happened?" I ask. "You'll know soon, have a seat Mr. Im." She said and ask me in. Haeyeon i nowhere to be seen, where is she?

After a while, the meeting is starting but Haeyeon is still not here. She is not the kind of person to be late. And the Junghae is so irritating sitting opposite me. He is looking around too, of course he is looking for Haeyeon. Dude, Haeyeon is mine. Is she? Then the room became quiet as Mr. Kang came in with Jisoo(?). Jung hae is as shock as i was. What is she doing here?

"Good morning to the Kang's shareholder. I'm here to annouce some changes in the company. Unfortunately my dearest daughter Kang Haeyeon she is no longer taking over the company, the heiress of Kang's has changed." When Mr. Kang announce this everybody was shock. How and why did Haeyeon left? I could see Jung hae was as shock as me well everybody does too. Mr. Kang eyed Jisoo for a while, while Jisoo just trying to impress all the shareholder with her smile. Two faced!

"My daughter, Kang Jisoo will now take over the company in the place of Haeyeon." Mr. Kang continue to announce. "I object." Mr. Lee said, one of the shareholder. "I too object." Mr. Tan said also a shareholder. "I object too." Jung hae said. "Objection." I said too. The smile on Jisoo's face disappear and her eyes widen when i object too. No one can do better than Haeyeon to be honest. "I know this will happen." Mr. Kang mumble as he pinch his nose bridge. The crowd is still objecting.

"Alright, let's go with the rules." Mr. Kang once again catches our attention. "Let her try 6 months." Mr. Kang said. Well its the rule. "If this 6 months any of my investment here fails or the holders fund has gone down, i'll take back my investment and sell my share or either make Kang Haeyeon back." Mr. Tan said and stood up walking towards the door. "We do the same too." The others said. Gosh, Jisoo is shutting the Kang's. After everybody agreed all of them stood up and walk away. There is only me and Junghae left. I look at Mr. Kang and Jisoo for once, "Mr. Kang i'll do the same. There is still two big project going on with Im. So i as the heir of the Im should make sure no lost to my company. Although i'm arrange, i as a shareholder has the right to talk. " I said and glance at Jisoo for a while. I after that. Haeyeon where are you? I called my secretary to locate Haeyeon and tell me as soon as possible for the information.

Then my phone rang, it's Jinyoung. "Hey." I answer my phone. "Bro, i'm all healthy! I successfully fight cancer!" He cheered. "Congrats." I said. I know it should be a happy moment but i just can't feel happy. "Something happened." He said. I know he heard my way of talking. I just kept quiet. "Let's meet up at my cafe." He said. "Alright, see you there." I said and hang up.

When i arrive he was already there waiting for me. I went to sit opposite him. "Tell me." He said as i sit down. I sipped the americano in front of me and start telling him what happened.

"I don't know where she is now..." i said in disappointment after i finish telling him.

"I'll help you." He said as he patted my shoulder.

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