Chapter 5

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HaeYeon P.O.V
It's again a sunshine morning, where i have to face all my stressful classes and assignment. After i get ready and finish my breakfast, i went to school. It feels really different when JaeBum return and the change is so unreal, well except the boys didn't stop checkin'me out. "Haeyeonnie!" I heard someone call out. I turn my head back, Mark is running towards me. He was catching his breath. "Let's do our project after school." He said, giving me his killer wink. "Sure, stop winking i'm not someone you can court." I said and push him a bit as a playful act. "Alright, see you in the library." He said and walk off.

I went to my locker to get my stuff. "Where have you been yesterday?" Out of nowhere Im Jaebum speaks. "Damn, you scare me." I said with a stern voice closing the door of my locker. "Hey! Answer the question." He change back to his question. "Self distraction." I said, i bet he know what is it. "With Yugyeom?" He asked unbelievable. "Is there a problem?" I ask as i walk faster. I don't know why i just feel like walking away. "Yah, what's wrong?" Jaebum ran to me and grab my hand to stop me from further walking. "Are you mad?" He ask again but i was all quite. "Hey look i'm sorry alright?" He said. "Fine..." i said and we proceed to our class.

Just a flip of a page its dismissal. I still remember of the project needed to be done with Mark and Jr. Its actually a sad life that we need to translate that whole book of story into english which is awful. When i arrive the library i try to search for Mark and Jr. Then i saw them at the table at the corner. We start dividing the work needed to be done and we all brought a lot of refrence. Without us know the time flew away again. It's getting late i should go home before my mom got worry. "I need to go home now." I said. They agree to let me leave first so i bidy goodbye and bring the work home to continue.

When i arrive the gate, i was surprise Jaebum was there. "You're done?" He ask me. "Not yet..." i answer. "Let's go for now." He said and pull me with him. My heartbeat increases and the feeling is new. Is it love? "Oh,sorry." He apologize when he knew he just holded my hand. "So how's you and Jisoo?" I ask to prevent awkwardness. "We're still working on it." Was all he say.

The walk to my house was very quite. I hope i could go as soon as i can if this awkwardness won't fade. "You're here." He said and i realise i'm home.
"Thanks for walking me home." I thanked him. "Anytime, see you tomorrow." He said and left. I waved although he couldn't see. He could be a good friend , bu what else more? I'm just dreamming for better relation.

That night i was so into my work that i was so tired that i fall asleep. Around dawn,i felt cold wind blowing through my skin so i look towards the window. And guess what! I forgot to close the window... i hope i won't get sick... "ahcooo..."i sneezed. Alright its starting ...

I woke up feeling dizzy, and i can't feel myself. My body is too weak to move. But i have to get up, i need to give Mark and Jr what i have finish although its only half. So i force myself up and get ready for school.
My mom tried to convince me to take a rest but i insist on going to school.

When i arrive in school, i drag my body in the gate. I felt so weak that i couldn't even stand. I felt i was about to faint but i felt pairs of arm supporting me. "Hey you okay?" The person said. I look at that person, to my surprise it's Yugyeom. "Yea... don't worry." I said and pull myself together again. He's not convince with my lie so he checked my tempreture on my forehead with his palm. "Geez, your burning." He said. But i smile at him faintly and walk away.

Well today the teachers are having a last minute meeting so he left us with free lesson. I haven't had class with either Mark nor Jr. I was so weak that i was resting my head on the table. Jaebum? He haven't notice anything yet. He's enjoying his time with Jisoo.

Finally, the lunch break is here. I dun feel like standing up but with no choice i need to cause i need to get my books for next class. I stood up from my seat,as i took my first step, i felt my world is spining. "Kang HaeYeon!" Was all i heard before my vision black out.

It's weird that today Haeyeon keeps herself at rest during free lesson. Not long after the lunch break has come. I thought Haeyeon will be the first to run out but turns out she was still in her place. I pack my things slowly to observe her. "Oppa, are you listening?" Jisoo said. Yeah i'm with her, not the way you guys think, we're still working on it. "Oh, i'm sorry." I said. We got out from the seat and was about to head out but something hold me back, my heart says i need to ask Haeyeon what happen. "Jisoo-ah can you go ahead first?" I said. "Sure, see you." She say and left.

I walk towards Haeyeon and she stood up. So i stay where i was but not far from her. Suddenly i saw her losing her balance, like she was about to faint. With a blink of an eye she collapse. "Kang Haeyeon!" I shouted and lucky that i was able to catch her before she fall. I checked her forehead and she is burning. So this whole morning she is sick. How could i not notice it as a friend. I quickly send her to the school clinic. The nurse gave her medicine and ask her to rest. I was with her the whole time, i don't dare to leave her.

The peaceful atmosphere was full of silence until my phone rang. I took it out from my pocket and look at my caller ID, its Yugyeom.

"Hyung, where are you?" Yugyeom ask.
"School clinic." I said.
"Why? You're hurt?" He ask again.
"No, i'm with Haeyeon, she fainted." I said.
"She did? I should ask her to go home." Yugyeom said.
"How did you know she is sick?" I ask, i was so curious, since when they are this close.
"I met her this morning, she was about to faint, but she pull herself up again and walk away like nothing." He explain.
"You should have told me!" I said seriously.
"Sorry, i didn't think much." He apologize.
"Nevermind, see you around." I said and hung up.

I look at Haeyeon's sleeping figure, she sleeps peacefully. "Why do you have to be stubborn?" I mumble. I stroke her hair away from her face and continue waiting for her to wake up.

Times really fly, without me knowing just 30 more minutes will be dismissal. "Jaebum?" A faint voice call. There is no other than Haeyeon. "You're awake." I smiled at her. "What happened?" She ask. "You fainted." I said. 'Oh' was all she respond. "Let's go home." I said. "Our bag?" She ask. "I let Youngjae to bring it here already." I said. She nodded, she was about to stand up but i stopped her. "Let me piggy back you." I said. She nodded and climb on my back. With that we walk home peacefully with her sleeping on my shoulders.

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