Chapter 26: Ryan's Revenge

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When Cole and I hit the ground, we looked around to see utter mayhem. The gates of Hell had been unleashed. Cole and I looked at each other in horror. The place was dry and fire was set on many buildings.

“Hello Bella," said a familiar voice. I turned to see Ryan behind me. Cole and I gaped at him. He looked like Ryan but there was something sinister about him.

“I see your boyfriend became an Angel," Ryan sneered. “How precious. Two stupid angels together and in love."

“What do you want?" Cole demanded.

“Payback," answered Ryan. He now turned on me. “You replaced me with this imbecile and now I'm going to kill him."

“If you lay a finger on him," I began slowly, “I will tear you apart Ryan."

Cole looked at Ryan. “And before she gets to you, you'll have to deal with me. I'm an Angel. You aren't going to kill me. Don't waste your energy trying."

Ryan laughed. “You aren't the only one who's changed. I'm a demon now and no longer a mere mortal. All this time I spent fighting demons when I should have joined them a long time ago and been granted innumerable powers."

“Ryan, you could have chosen the right side. You've sacrificed your soul," Cole said.

“And since you're a demon, we have to kill you." I looked at Ryan sadly remembering the guy who used to be my best friend.

“See this is why I can't stand you Bella! Such a fucking hypocrite. Always thinking you were a cut above me. Well that changes now. Bitch."

Without warning, Ryan drew his hand back and struck me. I fell to the ground and touched my face, erasing the sting of the slap.

As I looked up, I saw Cole lung at Ryan with this sword drawn. Ryan grabbed Cole's hand and began squeezing it, turning it an ugly blueish color. The sword dropped to the ground.

“Bad move, pal," snarled Ryan. “I can still read minds."

I grabbed the sword and ran at Ryan. He dropped Cole and pointed his ring at me.

Suddenly everything changed. My mind was hit with the worst things imaginable literally displayed for me visually. Cole laughing at me as he held Penelope in his arms saying that she was his true mate. My mother being raped by my dad who was still an Incubus. I let out a scream and fell to the ground, the mental agony literally torturing me.

It continued. Hein transforming into Cole and saying that he never loved me. The little boy that Cole and I rescued being stabbed to death. The waitress who I gave a huge tip being a beggar on the streets. My mother's corpse. Cole sneering. I screamed again.

And somehow I heard a voice from what seemed far away calling me. A familiar voice. “Bella!!!! Its not real! Its an illusion. I love you. Please Bella!!"

Wait a minute. I recognized that voice. Cole. The love of my life. My Angel and true love. The one who saved my life. The illusion faded as he called out to me and the pain ceased. I opened my eyes to see Ryan fall to the ground and his head cut off with black blood pouring from it. Wow. He really had become a demon.

Then Cole reached out his hand to help me up. I grasped it and looked at him. “Was that the illusion curse?" I asked breathlessly.

“Yes," Cole replied. “It was, but honey, none of it was real. I love you. Your parents love you."

“I know," I gasped.

“How'd you snap out of it?" Cole asked. “I was so worried."

“I could hear you calling me," I smiled. “I think that's what saved me."

“That and the fact I eliminated the host. He was feeding off your suffering."

“Thanks so much. I love you so much Cole!" Despite the choas around us, I pulled Cole into a hug.

“Hes not going to hurt you anymore baby, I promise." Cole said kissing my forehead.

“No, but we will." Cole and I looked up to see about 50 demons of all forms staring at us with muderous faces. Oh shit.

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