Chapter 20: I'd Come For You

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As I lay weeping, I saw a bright light and the reflection of an Angel. I looked up to see my Father.

“Dad, I...."

“Bella I come with grave news. Cole has been taken."

My heart stopped. “Taken where?"

“To the second realm of hell. He's currently being tortured by demons since he turned on them and fell in love with you."

I stood up. “How do I get there?"

“Bella, as your father who is second in command to God, I don't recommend it. Your soul could be lost forever if you go. Its more dangerous that you can imagine."

“Dad. Please. I need to go find him."

My father nodded solemnly. He then placed a ring on my middle finger. “Press the button on this and you'll be right in the second realm. Press it again to get back. If this is stolen or destroyed, you'll be trapped there for eternity. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Was I sure? Hell yeah. The love of my life was being tortured. I was getting him out no matter what it did to me. He was more important. “Yes, Dad. In case I don't come back, just know that I love you." I hugged him then pressed the button.


Hell was a terrible place. It reeked of despair, hopelessness and torment. To think this was only the second realm. I shuddered as I walked through looking for Cole. Suddenly I heard a roar of agony. Cole. Pulling my sword, I charged for the door and burst through it.

Three heads turned in my direction. There was a grotesque looking demon with the torso of a man but the bottom as a snake. He was holding the knife that was twisted in Cole's leg. Then the other demon was a red figure with yellow eyes and black claws for hands. 

Then I saw Cole. He was suspended in midair bound by inivisible ropes. We looked at each other. “No, Bella. Get out of here. Its too dangerous. They'll kill you."

“I don't care," I told him with tears in my eyes. It hurt me to see Cole like this. Hurt and bleeding. “And I'm not leaving here without you."

“Oh are you hissss Angel lover?" The snake-like demon inquired with a smile.

“Yes, she must be. That would explain why she was so foolish as to venture here. Should we torture her as well?"

“No!!" Cole screamed. “Bella just leave me. Its okay babe. Save yourself. I'm damned anyway. I love you and I can't let you die for me."

“Shut up!" The red demon snarled. He stabbed his red nails into Cole's arm and Cole hollered in pain.

“STOP IT!" I hollered. I pulled my knife and threw it at his chest. It hit him in the neck and he sank to the ground swearing.

The snake-like demon slithered towards me. I used my sword to stab his tail. I swung my sword chopping him into pieces.

By this time the red demon had recovered so I turned just as he aimed a finger at me. Dodging the string of arrows I pointed my fingers at him and he began to writhe as I burned him with flames. I then repeatedly stabbed him over and over.

The bindings holding Cole fell and I rushed to him. Grabbing his hand I pressed the button on the ring and Cole and I were immediately transported from hell just in the nick of time. Had we waited a half second later, we would have both been hit by the thousands of knives that demons flung at us.

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